
my mom used to keep me on a leash

yesterday i went to the airport to meet my mom upon her return from san francisco. there were some little kids running back and forth in the arrivals area, they were running into stuff and rolling around on the ground, getting in other peoples way, and having a blast as you can see from the video.  before i shot this clip it took me a few minutes to pinpoint who was in charge of these little hellions - no one in the vicinity seemed to be watching them.  i'm not even sure what my point is.  perhaps i am a bit envious of the freedom parents give their children these days, because when i was that age my mom kept me on a leash.  really, she did.  it was pink and had a harness. 

where's the parent?

wait a second, i do know what my point is:  if you take young kids into a very busy public place you should probably watch them a little closer. at least make sure they don't hurt anybody (or themselves, i guess) or piss other people off. and when they are disruptive, you should apologize profusely for your negligent parenting. heh. those of you who are parents are probably shaking your heads in disapproval thinking, "oh yeah? you'll understand when *you* have kids." maybe so. but for now, i'll keep whistlin' the same tune. and ps, i don't even wanna join your secret club but thanks for the well-wishes (weeks, plz don't flame me in the comments section).


myblackfriendsays said...

I think the parent is that lady in the sleeveless top and dark pants, she's grabbing at them semi-helplessly. They still make those leashes, I know people who use them.

ITA with you, in public places kids need to know how to act--period.

One of the little boys ran right in front of a woman carrying her own child--what if she had tripped and fallen?

Mary Ellen said...

Uh huh! Don't let me ever make you feel like I need grandchildren! Thanks for picking us up at Hartsfield! LDDD

Andy said...

Well, Anne you should have grabbed one and demanded a small ransom. Like $1000 or something really small so they will just pay up instead of getting the cops involved. Wait, why I am telling you this, you know our plan.

Mary Ellen said...

Andy, Anne cannot grab children. She wouldn't be able to manage the kids in order to follow through with "the plan". Maybe I should help y'all out with this money maker!

Naomi said...

i love that you take videos of random children running amok in the airport. seriously, i do! and i think a lot of parents suck (not Mary Ellen of course!).