


as i was driving to work on tuesday i saw an airplane working on a skywriting. there was a big "A" and an "I" and something that looked like the beginnings of an "R." kinda weird to see that at 8:00 am but figured that skywriters need practice just like anybody else...or some lucky lady in atlanta was about to be surprised with an early-morning marriage proposal. the following day around mid-afternoon i saw the same thing, but this time i could see "AIRTRA" which i figured could be airtran. and then i saw it again on my way home from work as i was driving on the interstate. funny i never saw the entire message. i tried to get a picture of it but my camera was stuck in my purse and by the time i got it out of the case i had veered off to the west and couldn't see it anymore. major failure, and i'm still disappointed with myself. anyway, mystery solved: http://www.ajc.com/business/content/business/delta/stories/2008/10/22/air_tran_skywriting_ads.html

target stores have this awesome ad/promotion thing for "going green" in people magazine this month. there is a postage-paid address label printed on the inside cover and if you remove the cover (front & back) you can make a little pouch. and then if you stuff the pouch with 5 plastic bags from target stores, seal it up, put your return address on it, and pop it in the mail, target will mail you a reusable tote bag. how freaking cool. and its totally free, as long as you can round up 5 target bags. i haven't done this yet but i better act fast before someone else in my office steals the people magazine.

this is totally unrelated to advertising, but it does fall under the category of awesome: i scored my first goal last sunday. not just my first goal of the season, but first goal *ever.* totally rad. and it was a legit goal too. the bad news is now i guess i have to put up more points or i'll look crappy.


Naomi said...

i saw the skywriting too! and i could never figure out what it was about, so i'm not sure it was as effective as planned.

the target bag thing is awesome. i might have to go buy a People just for that.

nice post on new food...i love trying new places. let us know next time you guys go out. we are always willing to drive up to hang out! unless you don't like us!!

ps - what are you doing this weekend? hockey game? maybe we can come watch you score a 2nd goal?

Anonymous said...

Why do people respond well to airplane advertising?