- i wore capri pants to work today with sandals. maybe they were technically cropped pants, i dunno. anyway, my point is that it's hot as crap outside and i'm ready for fall weather. then i can wear long pants and closed-toed shoes and won't have to deal with comments about my feet looking long (see post from 9-25-08) hahahaha i'm still laughing about that.
- i have all this paperboard in my trunk because i like to recycle it. the most convenient place to do this is at my office, but i always forget to get it out of my trunk. so it just collects back there and i'm too lazy to bag it up. also, i don't like carrying it up there because most of it is beer boxes and i can't fold it up small enough to fit in a normal size bag
- if anyone needs a snowboard and bindings i'm trying to sell mine... i'll make you a deal!
- my hockey team is awful. i have yet to score a goal. i've knocked a few people on their asses, so i guess that's something. andy, on the other hand, is the best player on the team.
- my roomie bought another tv and another comcast dvr. so that makes two dvrs. score. this means i can record twice the crap that i usually do, like paris hiltons new bff and housewives of atlanta!! woo!! i've started to geting up 10 minutes earlier in the morning so i can peruse the listings and record all the garbage that's on. seriously, there are not enough hours in the day...
- jamie lynn spears is rumored to be preggers again. what a mess.
- here's a depressing piece - my mom's dog (prissy) had to be put to sleep. she was old. i'm thinking if her previous owner hadn't fed her all those blasted hamburgers from wendy's she'd still be here. r.i.p prissy!!

If you watch those 2 worthless pieces of crap that pass for entertainment nowadays, we are breaking up. I mean it.
noooo, not prissy!! very sad. the one time i met her i liked her so much.
i'm ready for fall weather too. i've been wearing long sleeves and sweating.
sounds like we have a shared love. DVR is one of the greatest inventions created by mankind.
and yes, the jamie lynn thing is crazy. i heard her deny it in a walmart parking lot (courtesy of TMZ), but i think deep down inside i believe it.
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