
this chick's got it all figured out

i've been meaning to post this video for a while but never got around to it mainly b/c i was dreading spending time editing it. it's from tlc's "toddlers & tiaras." the clip below is only about half of what i want to show you, but i think you'll be sufficiently annoyed to get my point:

yes, i watch this show.  it's chock-full of people who deserve ridicule, primarily obese, undereducated, backasswards country women with bad hairstyles who waste obscene amounts of money on chintzy dresses for three-year-olds.  unbelievable.


Andy said...

We are breaking up.

Mary Ellen said...

I haven't seen this one! I think this clip says it all. AND yes, Andy just might be a goner! The "marry a nerd, he'll make you rich" quote almost topped "God brought me back into pageants".