
super-size idol

if you're wondering whether i watched the premiere of american idol last night, you're retarded. of course i watched it. it was actually pretty crappy. i don't really enjoy the first few episodes where they show all the ridiculous people. a lot of people i know *only* watch the first few episodes where ugly talentless people make fools of themselves but i am so sick of....well, ugly and talentless people. and lets go ahead and add "obese" into the mix - perhaps you saw this girl called temptress brown. for real. 16 years old, plays middle linebacker on a football team, looks like hell and sounds like it too. and then she reveals that her mom is ill and she's trying out for the show just for her mom. just when you start to feel sorry for her (mainly because she's so unfortunate looking), the cameras show a shot of her mom. who is 700 pounds. not exaggerating. and temptress isn't too far behind. anyway, randy, paula, & simon feel badly for the girl after her audition, so they give her a group hug and even go out of the audition room to see her mom. now, maybe if her mom had cancer or something then i wouldn't have a problem with their over-the-top sympathy and gentleness, but damn, someone's gotta get real with this woman (and temptress, too). see, that is what i think is wrong with america. the whole enabling thing. i'm not even gonna go into it right now...basically if everyone was mean like me, then all of our problems would magically go away. whee!

1 comment:

NewsWeeks said...

If you're looking for ugly, talentless, fat people, go to the DMV. Or stand outside the hospital waiting room with all the smokers. Also: The Mall. Not the nice Atlanta malls you probably go to, but the nasty, ghettoized ones. Like Eastgate. Or Walnut Square.

Unrelated: My "word verification" nonsense that I have to type in to leave a comment is "quilty." Usually is like "jppty2x" or something. But I like this way better. It feels like I'm writing copy for a toilet paper ad.