
just a few things


1. the fact that my office's phone number is one digit different from the atlanta housing authority's main line. i mean, think about the kinds of people who might call the aaha. hm. i've also taken it upon myself to give out the *correct* number for the housing authority to confused people. the other day i answered the phone to some lady yelling at me how she faxed in her form but hadn't heard back from anyone. i was entertaining her complaints because, sadly, we often get phone calls from angry people who haven't received responses, but then she started yelling about random stuff not relating to a civil case. i told her she had the wrong number but i guess she thought that was a diversion tactic since she kept ranting. just an annoyance, that's all.

2. people who create problems out of nothing. for example, one of my coworkers told me how she was under a huge amount of stress because she has to find a new nanny for her kids. she said that she was going to fire her current nanny, who the kids adore, because she's had a bad attitude lately. i'm like, well, you could save yourself a lot of stress by, uh, let's see...NOT FIRING HER. hey, at least she doesn't steal from you.

3. wendy's french fries are thinner than they were a while back

4. all the people ahead of me in line at the post office who could totally use the automatic postage machine but don't, because they're old and/or retarded.


CoffeeZombie said...

1. Yeah, that'd get pretty annoying. Reminds me of a couple instances back when I first got my work cell. Of course, having just been given the phone, I didn't know the number off the top of my head. Anyway, I get a call from some lady looking for some other lady. I tell her no one by that name is at the number, and she asks, "are you sure?" I explain that yes, I'm sure, but she insists that the woman must be there! Finally, I get her to hang up...

And she calls again the next day! This time, she's looking for a man. The man, I tell her, isn't here. Then she asks for the woman again (same last name as the man). I repeat myself that she's not here, either and she returns to insisting the woman is here. Finally, she asks, "Is this a business number?" I respond, "Yes, but this is a cell phone; I am the only person at this number." She insists some more that I must be mistaken. Finally, she asks, "is this number xxx-xxx-xxxx?" I respond that I'm not sure right off, as I just recently received the phone. Then she gives me a nasty, "Well! You should know what your phone number is!" and hangs up.

3. This is a great tragedy.

How about a sort of opposite to number 4? People who go to a U-Scan register with a cart full of stuff. Honestly, I think it takes them longer to scan it themselves than it would had they gone and waited in line and had an experienced cashier scan if for them. Not only have they missed the purpose of U-Scan, they're taking up a machine that 20 people could've used in the time it took them to finish.

NewsWeeks said...

You know what's annoying?
That stupid Anne doesn't update her blog very often.