
i like food, but i hate stuff like this:

product: green beans with almonds. on the pack of almonds: contains almonds.

product: cocoa roast almonds. note that the first ingredient is almonds, and it still says contains almonds. by the way, you should try these.  almonds are a tasty and nutritious snack. sometimes they are buy one get one free at publix.

and this one, a little different:
i wanted ice cream. badly.  in my haste, i grabbed a frozen dairy dessert rather than the real deal.  

i was looking forward to eating peppermint ice cream.  i got this kind because mayfield was too expensive...ah, champagne taste on a beer budget, story of my life.  anyway, this stuff had good peppermint flavor but the texture was weird. then i noticed that nowhere on the carton does it say ice cream, it just says frozen dairy dessert.  did a bit of research and found this: http://www.dairygoodness.ca/ice-cream/ice-cream-facts-fallacies. i didn't look at the nutrition label last night, mainly b/c i don't like to see that i'm consuming an extra 500 calories at 9pm, but i'll check out the ingredients when i get home today.  after going to the gym.


Andy said...

Probably some law firm sued the company after some idiot ate the Almonds and were allergic to them. The idiot probably won, so now they have to print obvious things like that. Do you know of any similar type law firms?????

Also, I hate the juice drinks that contain 0-10% juice, but has 100% natural flavor. What the hell does that even mean?

Naomi said...

i agree with andy's sentiments. and i was ignorant about frozen dairy desserts, so thanks for shedding light on this deception!