
i'm not joking about this

every now and then andy threatens to break up with me when i watch horrible tv shows or listen to shitty music. it's understandable, i guess, because most of the shows i watch are pretty dumb. once he said he was gonna break up with me if i kept watching paris hilton's my new bff among other shows, and i think he got pretty mad when i paid for a britney spears song on itunes (circus). he usually just says it to make a point about how he hates stupid chick shows and pop music. it's funny that he never jokes about breaking up with me over legitimate stuff, like me eating all the dibs and thin mints, because if someone came into my house and ate all my stuff i'd be pretty pissed off. i'd probably cry about it if i didn't live next door to the grocery store...

anyway, i guess andy's mellowed out lately because i just downloaded ke$ha's album - as in, PAID FOR - and he didn't seem to have a problem. yeah, he thinks i'm dumb, but i know that deep down inside he likes the songs. which brings me to my point - the album is pretty good. i almost don't believe that i'm saying that. there are some bad, bad songs on there with ridiculous lyrics, and i'm not even sure you can call a lot of it "singing," but even the bad songs are catchy as hell. one of my faves is "party at a rich dude's house." it's so dumb, but so awesome. if you like fun, mindless, party pop music and have 10 bucks to blow, download this album immediately. i've already gotten $10 of enjoyment out of it. don't hate me.


myblackfriendsays said...

I bought the Ke$ha CD (I'm old school like that,) for my husband's birthday yesterday. When he opened it he said, "Ke$ha?!??!??"

I think it was a mixture of surprise that I actually purchased the CD for him, and self-loathing--because he's the one who told me he liked her songs when we saw her on Saturday Night Live.

Mary Ellen said...

I want to know what you threaten to break up with Andy over.....just wondering!

Andy said...

Let's get this straight, I'm not ok with it. We have just be together long enough that you know I won't break up with you. So I now have nothing to threaten you with to stop you from giving money to stupid people and things. I will just shake my head in disappointment and turn it off when it comes on.

Plus, you make up for it by being awesome in other ways.


Naomi said...
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Naomi said...

bring your tunes to the lake so we can rock out. i think that andy and brandon both love ke$ha, no matter what they say.

i'm totally with you on the thin mints and dibs. guys seem to care less about their chocolate/sweets which is fortunate because i am vicious about it!

miss you guys!