
CS 2130: languages & translation

it's been four years since i graduated from tech. which means it's almost been long enough for me to forget the bullshit i had to put up with. almost, but not quite. tonite i was digging through some old saved aol im conversations and was quickly reminded of said bullshit:

GTSkyFlyer: Anne if you calculated your average right now what would it be?
Lenina Crowne: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not good. like 30?
GTSkyFlyer: without the projects then? which you did well on prj1
Lenina Crowne: no not that low. actually the damned thing didnt splint totally and the hashtable was off
Lenina Crowne: i got some stupid pslint errors'
GTSkyFlyer: but they've been fixed since then?
Lenina Crowne: well not the splint errors, i actually forgot about those until i just mentioned them
Lenina Crowne: somethign about not checking return values of ungetc and fclose?
GTSkyFlyer: ok those are easy to fix.
GTSkyFlyer: anyways with the final and the prjects grades
Lenina Crowne: i am kinda nervous, i totally deserve to pass
GTSkyFlyer: that will put you over the 40 % mark
GTSkyFlyer: and honestly a 40 is all you will need to get a C
Lenina Crowne: mmmm C

btw i did pass that class. i got a C. that was after getting an F the semester before. good times. what the hell is splint? ungetc? fclose? hooray for knowledge!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

oh my. that is a gem of a conversation. brings back crazy memories, Lenina Crowne!