
another unbelievable story

i am house/dog-sitting for my boss (michael) this week while he and his family are on vacation. they live in a neighborhood along the chattahoochee river. andy came over after work on friday to ride his bike around the neighborhood while i ran with the doggies. i got back from running and headed straight for the fridge for some water. saw something moving in my upper periphereal vision:

let me just say that i am not afraid of snakes. but when i found myself face-to-face with this thing i totally freaked out. andy heard me screaming from the garage but thought it was coming from some kids up the street. i made myself calm down a bit before i yelled at him to come upstairs to the kitchen because i didn't want him to think i had accidentally cut my finger off or something. so we're just standing there in the kitchen watching this thing inch along the top of the fridge and of course i grab my camera rather than focus on how to get rid of the snake. the worst part is that about an hour later we found the perfect snake-wrangling tool in michael's workshop.
due to our lack of quick-thinking in an emergency situation the snake escaped behind the vent. we took the vent off and even took the panel off the bottom of the fridge but no snake. the good thing is that i haven't seen him again. the bad thing is that i haven't seen him again. and i'm sleeping in that house.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

you are KIDDING ME!!!!!!!! i would flip if i found a wild snake in my house. and he's still in there!?!?! better you than me.