
sorry i haven't posted in two weeks

a few days ago i was stuck in some pretty gnarly traffic. right by the taco bell on howell mill. nobody was going anywhere. this guy in the car behind me starts manifesting his frustration by honking his horn. not honking at any particular driver, but honking for the hell of it. he was gesturing wildly with arms and i'm pretty sure he got even more pissed when he caught a glimpse of my camera when i held it up to the rear-view mirror. heh. but i was especially nervous because each time traffic inched forward, he would get within an inch of my bumper. please don't ever be "this guy."

*many of you may be concerned that i was filming while operating a motor vehicle - rest assured, i am an expert. i was mainly trying to capture the audio, which is why i am not paying too much attention to what is being displayed in the video.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

omg, i just now got to watch this video. thank you for always entertaining me!