
contents of this post brought to you by my drive home

there are a lot of pop songs on the radio that get on my nerves - sweet escape by gwen stefani, photograph by nickelback, and umbrella by rihanna are some that come to mind. i hear these frequently and i turn the station, and all is forgotten. BUT there are two songs out there in radioland that truly infuriate me. and they get an insane amount of airplay.

the first is "teardrops" or whatever by taylor swift. what, never heard of her? exactly. she's an 18-yr-old country singer. kinda looks like carrie underwood but not really. ok so the lyrics of this song go "he's the reason for the tear drops on my guitar, the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star." did ya get that? wishing on a wishing star. i think someone sucks at songwriting. how about a falling star, or perhaps a shooting star? this crap-tastic lyric isn't my only qualm with this song though- the story is that she's totally in love with some guy friend, who she labels "perfect" and "flawless." i bet he's probably a huge jerkoff.

and number two (heh) is "no one" by alicia keys. i feel kinda bad dissing on her because she is quite talented, and way hotter than me. but this song is poop. sounds very amateurish. oh and the vocals sound so far below pitch that it's offensive. i'm still holding out hope that this song and the rest of the album was a joke between alicia and whoever produced the record.

and now some good, clean jokes from laffy taffy:

Q: why was the broom late?
A: it overswept.

Q: how do you make an orange laugh?
A: tickle its navel.

1 comment:

NewsWeeks said...

yo, g. It's time for you to buy an ipod and a car adapter.
You can't be listening to umbrella, with or without that chris brown, if you're going to stay sane among what is arguably the nation's work place to drive.
also, i have biggity balls.