
Help! There's a Jamaican man trapped in the storm drain!

The city of Aurora, Colorado is big on water education. Storm drains have markers that read "dump no waste, drains to creek" and there are signs in the parks that explain the water system and the effects of pollution on the water supply. There's also another unique educational feature that tends to startle passersby:

I'm the city of Aurora's talking storm drain. I'm here to remind you to take good care of your local storm drain and your watershed.

Hey man, use less fertilizer this time around. It will keep the stream happy, and save you lots of money.

What's up man? It would really clog my system if you wash that mud & road grime from your car into my drain.

I like their approach on personifying the storm drain, but it really did scare the crap out of me the first time I encountered it. The message is pretty simple, and it's fun interacting with the sensor. The Jamaican accent is comical to me. I can imagine the marketing/concept meeting going something like this:

Al: Ok guys, the city of Aurora is using this product to educate the public about the water system. We have a script, but something is missing... go ahead and listen to it.
[everyone listens to dialog A]
Bill: Well, instead of just random blurbs, how about if we make the storm drain the character. That might be cool.
Charlie: Yeah! And give him an accent! An Italian mobster?
Bill: Canadian? Cockney!
Al: Cockney?
Bill: Ay, 'enry 'iggins!
Al: No, no. Come on guys, think. Imagine the most perfect storm drain: cool and mellow, yet concerned about toxic waste. What does this guy sound like?
Charlie: Slappa da bass, man!

So if it doesn't give you a heart attack you might find it entertaining.


myblackfriendsays said...

I forgot to say on your last entry--congrats on the job! I hope it is still going well. Because it has been my experience that if a job sucks right away, that is a really bad sign.

Mary Ellen said...

Can't wait to meet the storm drain mon!