
winter x games

the winter x games 14 went down last week and if you didn't catch any of the snowboarding events then you missed out on some awesome stuff. sorry i can't embed the videos, i tried it earlier and it wouldn't work properly.

halldor helgason big air:

and if you didn't see shaun white's insane run (and major bust), then here it is:

even mary ellen was pumped over the games. i was watching a bit of womens superpipe then decided to take a shower since i was exhausted & grody from a day on the slopes (more on this vacation later). unfortunately i missed the finals, good thing mary ellen texted me to tell me that my "bff" gretchen won. andy & my mom like to joke about her being my bff. thing is, i've actually met her a few times - and by "met" i mean "scanned her lift ticket and said hi." i did chat with her for a minute when she was here in atlanta three yrs ago for peter glenn's winter expo. she signed my poster "anne, hope to see you sometime on buttermilk!" i was giddy for days. i secretly want to be her bff and/or follow-cam.

while i'm on the subject, check out this photo from 2007 when i was working at buttermilk in aspen.

some flying tomato action


Mary Ellen said...

You're the coolest! Thanks for the new post.

James™ said...

now that's a big aaaair !

thanks for the post :)

S&E said...

:O.. did you meet shaun white?! ahh lucky.. haha he's cutee