
flu shots are for the weak

i haven't gotten a flu shot, nor do i plan to get one. here's why: pride. plain and simple. i know it sounds ridiculous, but that's my deal. i take damned good care of myself. i usually get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, i exercise 3 times per week, i wash my hands very frequently, my job isn't extremely stressful, i don't spend much time around small children, and i eat healthy meals, most of which do not come from a fast food restaurant. some of these practices require more effort than i would like, but it's totally worth it, and a lot of them are actually enjoyable. try it sometime. if my immune system can't handle the flu assault, well, then i guess i deserve to get sick. i'll keep you posted.

and now i shall get off my high-horse. good night.


Mary Ellen said...

Good night and sweet dreams! I am very proud of you for taking good care of yourself. I love you!

Naomi said...

i had the flu this year. are you telling me i am weak? actually, i was very sleep deprived and had been under weeks of stress by the time i got it, so i agree with you. rock on!!!

Andy said...

Oh Naoms, you need a less stressful job. Also, you and Brandon both need jobs that lets you guys hang out with us more.

I denied the flu shot too, because I'm a man and we are stronger than women, and smarter...it's science.