
if you don't already think that i'm weird...here you go.

as my mother, grandmother, and boyfriend will tell you, i tend to get creative with my insults and terms of endearment (which, funny enough, are sometimes one in the same...maybe i should stop doing that). sometimes i use words that sound completely made-up, but to my surprise are actual words. a lot of the times i never know what these words mean (i should probably stop doing that, too). here are some examples:

cheecharone: noun, sounds like cheech-ər-own, not cheech-ər-won. do you like my schwa? boo-yah! the real word is spelled chiccharón, and means "fried pork rind." i use this word to mean a variety of things including but not limited to goofball, loser, fatso, meanie, hoodlum, and r-rated versions of everything i just mentioned. basically, it's a good, clean (?) substitute for various curse words & racial slurs. i'd like to give a shout-out to my pal daniel head for introducing me to this word, like, in 10th grade. yeah. i've been saying this word for over 10 years. is that pathetic? i don't think i say it that often: it's popularity comes & goes at random. the funniest thing is that my grandma picked it up from me during a week-long trip to europe ten years ago and still says it, primarily as a phone greeting, knowing that it's me on the line. awwww.

fluffernutter: i have no idea when i started saying this word or what prompted me to use it. it's a decent substitute for the f-word, or any other expletive. if i spilled my drink i might say "oh fluffernutter!" but on the other hand i think the connotation is nice enough so i use it as a pet name too. just this last weekend i called andy a fluffernutter and he insisted that it wasn't a word. i made him look it up, and honestly, i didn't know what it meant but i was pretty sure it was a word. educate yourself here.

well...damn. i can't think of any other examples right now. i know there are more. so take note.

p.s. - i totally just realized both of these words are food items. weird.

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