
i'm on the verge of tears as i type this

i know everyone is talking/blogging about the recent rash of celebrity deaths but i am terribly bummed that billy mays died. i feel like i should pay homage or something to this guy. i was going to make an image map sound board thing, but i'd have to steal the .wav files and the image, not to mention it'd probably take me half an hour to do it, and i'm at work...

i know a lot of people thought he was completely annoying, but i was a huge fan. the booming voice, the thick, lustrous beard, the beady little eyes, the enthusiasm for cleaning products...sigh. i guess he just put a smile on my face because he was so ridiculous. when my friends gave me some mighty putty two weeks ago i was so excited (i have yet to use the stuff).

good sounds - http://www.billymayshere.com/

a really good one - (taken down recently, sorry)

some pitchmen video - http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/pitchmen-whats-hot/

if i'm ever feeling down, andy knows he can always cheer me up with a billy mays impression.


Naomi said...

i'm so sorry. i liked billy a lot too. oxi clean is a wonderful product. and his espn commercial is really cute. i will try to cheer you up next week!

Andy said...

I watched the season finale of Pitchmen last night and it was very emotional. It showed his son, Billy Mays the third, who is probably in his teens, he has a full beard and may take over over his dad. It also showed Billy Mays Sr., who had a big bushy grey beard. I'm saddened more by Billy's passing than MJ, funny. Oh by the way, did you hear the US is pulling troops out of Iraq?

Mary Ellen said...

Why didn't you call me and tell me this important news while I was at the beach? I care about your loss! Please know of my sympathy and support for you as you struggle through this difficult time. Billy was much more a worthy icon of current American culture than Farrah or Michael. Please accept my condolences.