
not everyone thinks i'm a bitch

andy & i went to bainbridge, ga last weekend to attend this huge surprise birthday party for one of the town's elite business owners, vic pemberton. mr. p has a vending and catering business and andy used to work for him while he was in high school. andy's parents are friends with vic & his wife. anyway, the party was awesome. i actually bought a dress for the event. i rarely do that. i was gonna wear what was already in my closet but these days i'm starting to exhaust my options, and those options are looking kinda crappy. anyway, i was excited to have scored this particular dress and bragged to my mom that i got a rad dress at tjmaxx (as if i'd shop anywhere else), and that i'd get someone at the party to take my photo so she could see. here it is:

andy & me gettin' our drink on in bainbridge

anyone see a problem with this photo? you can't see the whole dress. and you can't see my shoes, which were totally cute thank you very much. i was very careful on who i grabbed to take this, as in, i didn't pick someone who was 50+ years old. perhaps i expect too much of the bainbridge crowd. sorry. i might add that this was the 2nd of two photos: the first was taken horizontally. when she wanted to take another, i advised her to hold the camera vertically to get a full body shot. then she handed the camera back to me and said "here make sure these are good." and so i wouldn't make myself out to be a total a-hole, i was like "oh they're fine," and i didn't even check them. i totally should have checked.

someone tied balloons to andy's pants

so the party was great and there were tons of people there. the rest of the weekend we ate the remainder of the finger foods (i call them that since i can't spell hors d'oveurs? eh? that doesn't look right...) at the pemberton's house and hung out with andy's friends josh & lane. i've been hearing about these guys for 3+ years so i kinda felt like i knew them already, but it was good to finally meet them both. josh is possibly the nicest person i've ever met. lane is very entertaining and perhaps a little psycho. i mean that in the nicest way possible. check this out - he was on wheel of fortune last fall and completely dominated, won like $45k or something ridiculous.

daniel, lane, andy, & josh. ugh i really need to clean my camera lens.

so, one thing that made me feel good is that everyone seemed to like me. granted, i behaved myself, didn't break anything, and kept the cursing to a minimum. andy kept telling me how much everyone liked me, which wasn't really that shocking, because i am pretty cool. although i i'm sure a select few think i'm crazy and overbearing since i begged andy not to eat a burger king cheeseburger at 1am that was apparently calling his name. but it's always nice to hear that people don't think you're a total bitch.

ps - more pics from bainbridge here


Naomi said...

you...are..awesome!!! that is all i have to say. fun post. and an email is coming your way soon...

Mary Ellen said...

Hey I liked this blog. I wanted to see the shoes, SHOOOOT! I'm glad Andy's friends liked you. Don't forget that I like you a lot, too!