
i got your "first post of '09" *right here*

andy & i went to costco last night to look at an entertainment center. as usual we [andy] got distracted by other merchandise. merchandise that looks suspiciously like a part of the male anatomy. see for yourselves - and make sure the volume on your computer speakers is at a comfortable listening volume.

for the record, andy saw it first, got real excited, and then showed it to me. and of course i had to turn it into an awesome video. click here and here to see other photos. sorry about the blurry. i was starting to draw a crowd so i had to hurry it up, plus i was laughing so hard i couldn't hold the camera steady.


Naomi said...

WHAT?!?!?!?! how did this product make it to the shelves without someone -ANYONE- catching the resemblance? or perhaps it's supposed to add selling power. the best part about these pictures is andy's pose. nice work on the video too. =) i've waited all week for this post and i am very pleased!

Mary Ellen said...

Nasty!!! This reminds me of Becky, Celeste, and me shopping at Sam's years ago. We always tried to have fun and find the strangest thing in the warehouse. This beats all our adventures by lots of laughs. LDDD, Mama

Unknown said...

Just to let you know that I've been catching up on your blog, I decided to post a comment. The video was great..I never knew Andy had such a large....chair