
blogging at work, about work

most of you probably know that i work for a law firm. i've never quite come up with an accurate, concise job title for myself, so when people ask what i do, i tell them that i do everything except practice law. this is often amusing to people who aren't actually interested, i.e. most of the people i've run into at engagement parties in dalton, ga. but seriously, i do a lot of stuff. it varies each day.

here's how my day has progressed:

came in at 8:30. unlocked front doors and turned on lights. emptied dishwasher. found my ongoing list of supplies that the office needs, looked up item numbers from staples website, and emailed list to the person that buys stuff. attempted to tidy up the av room. reshelved some old tapes. took photos of my coworkers for the firm's new website. listened to coworkers bitch about their photos. spent some time cropping and retouching those photos. helped coworker lay out a 4 x 6 envelope in ms word. photocopied checks, took checks to bank. took judgment from recent trial to cobb state court to be signed by judge and filed. time was approx. 12:15. nobody in chambers so i waited five minutes and buzzed again. again no answer. waited some more, buzzed some more. did every single person in that office go to lunch? sheesh. left courthouse and walked entire perimeter of marietta square. sat on a park bench for ten minutes, watched small children play on locomotive sculpture thing. watched big kids who were entirely too big to climb on the sculpture chase away the little kids and climb on the sculpture. went back into courthouse. no one in chambers. sat in front of window overlooking the square and watched the same big kids pile into a stretch limo. buzzed chambers again, no answer. unfortunately i left my cell phone in my car, so boredom came quickly. sat back in front of window. remembered i had play-doh in my purse. played with play-doh. organized my already-organized wallet. buzzed chambers yet again. no answer. strolled up and down the hallway. buzzed chambers again at 1:30, finally someone answered. dropped off file. got back to office, read email from coworkers. ate lunch. restocked beverages. put people's mugs into dishwasher. replaced toner in copier. retrieved the mail. sorted mail. made copies of stuff for boss.

some kind of boring today.

1 comment:

NewsWeeks said...

This is all well and good, but many of us out-of-towners can't fathom what Anne does in her free time. So I think you should blog about what you do with your weekend, this weekend, to give us a better idea of your life.