now that american idol is over for a while (as well as america's next top model) you may be wondering what kinda of trash i'm watching these days. here are the shows, in no particular order:
1. so you think you can dance - like american idol, but more entertaining. i like this show a lot more than ai primarily because i can't dance, and am impressed by good dancers. not as impressed by people that can sing, because i can sing pretty well. it's the truth. you should hear my shakira impression.
2. the bachelorette - ah, deanna pappas. she's from newnan (?) and of course i saw her get rejected by stupid jerkface brad womack on the previous season of the bachelor. this girl is gorgeous. i would totally go gay for her, assuming she would have me. *omg is she kidding?*
3. legally blonde the musical: the search for the next elle woods - stupid, but when has that stopped me from watching something?
4. hell's kitchen - have been a fan of this show from the start, but this season is the worst yet. chef ramsay's trademark is that he's verbally abusive while still being somewhat humorous and light-hearted, but this season he's just plain mean. i'm still waiting for chef to call someone a donkey.
5. 30 days - apparently this is the 3rd season of this series, but i've never seen it. it's by morgan spurlock, the dude that did the supersize me documentary about mcdonalds. much different than the other shows i'm watching, as it explores real social issues - a nice contrast to the other crap i watch.
6. last comic standing - each season of this show seems to be worse than the one before, but it's still watchable.
7. farmer wants a wife - on the cw network. this show sucks, but it's better than living lohan (ugh, i'll never get that time back). the guy up for grabs is extremely unattractive. i'm actually watching it right now online - it's so bad it doesn't deserve space in the dvr.
and before you think i'm a total idiot, i should probably mention that i read enough books to counteract all the brain-mushifying. but i also read people magazine religiously, which kinda mushes it up some more. oh well. if you have any book suggestions, i wanna hear them. needs to be something substantial. like, i've never read
one hundred years of solitude, but i kinda don't even wanna risk it just in case it really sucks. so let me know.