andy & i went to his parents lake house for the long weekend. the fireworks were kickass. like, i think these fireworks were better than centennial park's and stone mountain's (maybe even those two shows put together), which came as a surprise to me, because all the fireworks were privately funded. as in, there was no official lake firework show, just a bunch of crazy people with a truckload of fireworks (and a truckload of money). it was rumored that the dude across the cove spent like ten thousand dollars on his show. this guy was shooting those things off for at least an hour, solid, and each one was substantial, none of that fizz & pop crap. so here are some cool photos i took with my dinky little *point-n-shoot camera:

*by the way, my camera is awesome. it's a panasonic lumix FX-10. $150. highly recommended (by me) as a general use camera. takes decent photos in tricky lighting conditions, considering the price. doesn't feel cheap like kodak. mine is blue and is really pretty.
1 comment:
i am jealous! i didn't get to see any fireworks this year and i was sorely disappointed. i watched the ones in boston and they were freakin amazing. you did a good job with the pics. or maybe it was just the camera. =p
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