unfortunately we got a late start (after 9am). but we really weren't looking to buy anything anyway so it didn't make much of a difference. we found a cluster of sales that weren't on my pre-planned route that were puny and we didn't stop. we hit one estate sale in the bunch. it was probably the worst stop of the day, only because my expectations were high since the last estate sale i had been to was really kickass. this one was grungy, and the lady running the sale hadn't even bothered to clean up and organize anything. it was way too obvious that someone had recently died. *shudder.* i did manage to find a prize for my mom buried in a box with a bunch of old books and random stuff. she will be pleased.
the last stop of the morning was the coolest yard/garage sale ever. this sale ruled because:
- all items were either clearly displayed on a table or neaty organized in boxes
- items were clean and in good condition
- home owners were friendly and willing to negotiate prices

the only thing that sucked about this yard sale was that it started on friday, and we didn't show up until around 11am on saturday, so most the good stuff was gone. the homeowner had all this really cool historical stuff like bayonets, books, and civil war memorabilia. he also had collectibles and other useless (but awesome) stuff. andy saw a metal pencil sharpener that was shaped like a toilet but didn't buy it because it was three dollars. big mistake. i wish i had gotten a picture of it.
1 comment:
you guys crack me up!!! we bought that house so i need to hit up the yard sales like mad to get some good deals. i love that you took a photo with the yard-salers.
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