
what i've been up to

one great thing about living in colorado: no one gives a shit about the university of georgia.

another great thing about living in colorado: it's hot here, but i'm not cursing about it at 8:30 in the morning.

i just consumed a large Wendy's frosty in a very short amount of time. twas a bit of a celebratory thing, to congratulate myself for a job interview that went really well (let's hope i'm right). i've had several job interviews, many for positions for which i'm overqualified. it's really no fun sitting in a room with an interviewer trying to convince her why you want a job that you're overqualified for, especially when she's looked at your education and work experience and even comments on the curiosity of it all.  i've found some IT jobs that seem good for me (ie. they're not too "corporate" and i won't be in over my head), and if things go alright then i should have a decent job that i don't hate by the end of the month.

ok so here's a recap of what i/we have been doing:

earlier in august i got the opportunity to join some guys on an early-morning weekday ski outing...one of the few perks of not having a job. was a little weird asking a complete stranger to take me out on his boat, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?

this is just a reservoir at a state park, but i still call it a lake. the best part: it's 6 miles from my apartment.

andy & i went to the new ikea in centennial a few weeks ago. as much as we wanted to avoid the whole situation, andy need to purchase a specific item for his office. imagine that, going to a store to purchase an item. what a novel idea. the reason this is so odd is that we usually only find ourselves at ikea when we've run out of things to do on sunday afternoon. anyway, it was pretty nutso, but we got the item and then gorged ourselves on burritos at illegal pete's.

that same weekend we managed to get up to boulder for a hike. we hit up the farmers market and then hiked the "royal arch" trail at chautauqua.

i think we climbed about 1500 vertical feet over the course of the trail and we did it in about 3.5 hours, i think.  i dont remember. i'd really love to hike up a real mountain, but those are like, all day affairs.  i was really tired after our excursion to boulder so i dunno if i'd be able to make it on a 7 hour hike. i mean, i'm sure i could do it, but i'd be pretty dead.

this past weekend we went to a random yard party for 20s/30s couples - i found the group on meetup.com - and fortunately it wasn't sketchy or weird. we met two other couples who we would probably hit up for another social activity in the near future. one guy invited us to join his ultimate frisbee pickup league that meets in a park near downtown, so we showed up and got our asses kicked (but in a good way). we're not horrible at ultimate, but we're definitely not in peak physical condition so we probably seemed a little weak. we've got one month to train until hockey starts, and this seems like a great way to train off the ice.  we're fortunate that the guys who showed up to play were friendly and obviously just in it for fun & not personal glory, unlike the peeps from the afdc (atlanta flying disc/douchebag club) that we tried playing with several years ago. that was definitely not good times, but makes for a great story. think dodgeball the movie meets ultimate frisbee.

and then on sunday we discovered a hockey superstore practically in our back yard. you'd have to know that it's there in order to find it, as you can't really see it from the road.

we thought we hit the motherlode, mainly since i need some practice jerseys and new shoulder pads, but the stuff wasn't really priced that great.  the only good thing is that you can get your skates sharpened for $5.

ok, well that's it for now. in my next entry i hope to report on this sushi place near us called "sushi train." we have yet to eat sushi out here and have picked this particular place due to its proximity to our apartment and the positive reviews on urban spoon. now that i'm thinking sushi, i might just have to petition to eat there tonight. or maybe i'll just go to this place since i'm low on cash:

chinese food by the scoop & $5.88 dinner buffet: better than remy's II?


a story to distract you from wondering if i've found a job yet (no, i haven't)

well, i finally saw the harry potter movie.  right before the movie started, some people came in with their baby.  not their two year old, but a baby in a carrier seat thingy who needed to be entertained with a noisy rattle toy. i don't even think i need to explain why that was a problem.

and then the crown jewel of all "stupid people on craigslist" stories:

i posted an ad on craigslist to try to sell my two giant canvases. these things are awesome but are just way too big for our new apartment. i bought them (from a woman who listed them on craigslist) when i moved into the condo w/ the super-high ceilings back in february and they were really cool. anyway, here's the ad:

(i'm posting a screenshot since a link will only be valid for the duration of the listing)

The ad gives you all the important information, like the price, how big they are, and the condition. Last night, i got the following question over email:

          How much for your art paintings?

Really, you weren't able to get that info from the ad?  Just in case she wasn't the one who saw the ad, say, her room mate saw it and quickly texted the girl to email me about them, I simply replied, "$120 for both." What I really wanted to say was something like "um, did you even read the ad, asshat?" Of course I would never jeopardize a sale by doing that, but it took an enormous amount of restraint not to.  She responded with a counteroffer, and I replied "Sure, that's fine, as long as you've got a big truck, these things are massive," just reiterating the fact that the paintings were very large.

Next morning I find this question in my inbox, from the same girl:

          Wow well can you give me the measurement of the width. All I have is a pt cruiser but maybe could borrow my room mates truck.

Again, all I wanted to do was type back "OMG?!  DID YOU EVEN READ THE AD? I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU READ THE AD because you're asking me stupid questions. here's the link..." But again, I dug deep and was able to summon the strength to reply with the dimensions (but only after typing out hateful retorts & quickly deleting them). I really think she never even saw the ad, there's just really no other excuse for it.