
totally looks like

amy & i were trying to clean some moldy furniture at the office on friday. there was a dish of soapy water that i left sitting for a few minutes. i came back into the room and was all freaked out because it looked like this:

and saturday andy & i had to help a lady move some boxes & furniture out of my office. and since no one else was around i let him ride the segway:

nothin to see here, people. just getting a soda on my segway


Naomi said...

yay! i love the randomness in this post. andy is such a stud on the segway.

Misplaced Freetime said...

haha, i love that freakishly-cool soap thingy ..eh..ya, u know what i mean ;p


Mary Ellen said...

I wanna ride the segway!

W.C.Camp said...

HA - Alien Head! Sometimes just for kicks, I put sub-zero head gear to try and scare small children. Cross between Jason's Friday the 13th mask and a burn victim Mummy.


Unknown said...

Hi just blog hopping. Cool blog.
