lately i've been wasting a lot of time playing a computer game: snood. and no i'm not just now discovering this game. i remember i got my freshman roomie hooked on it, oh, about ten years ago, and we were unstoppable. my mom got me re-hooked on it recently, and i'm cursing her right now because it's after midnight and i can't seem to stop playing... and i'm sure andy is cursing me right now because i installed it on his machine too and set all the high scores. somehow he managed to get a score on the list, but i spent another hour playing, knocking his score off. i bet he's up right now trying to beat me.
while i'm thinking about it, here are some other things that i recall being awesome/popular/cool/new from ten+ years ago. i'm sticking to fashion and technology mainly because, uh, i've been wearing clothes for quite some time, and i'm interested in tech stuff. some of these things are indeed awesome, some of them are absolutely ridiculous. read on:
timberland boots

you know the ones. i scored a pair of these because my grandmother bought them for me. not really a bad trend, since they were comfortable and durable. much, much more sensible than jelly shoes.
anoraks from the gap

mmm...packable nylon pullovers. i think this fad was completely worn out by 2000, but when i think about high school i can't help but be reminded of them. anyway, i remember *everyone* wore these things, didn't matter if it was raining or windy. and even though an anorak is a functional piece of outerwear, i recall people wearing these things as regular clothes. like, it was part of the outfit. went with the timberland boots, i guess. i had one that was hunter green. i think i got my mom to buy me one because whitney allgood had one. functional, yes. fashionable...apparently so.
gap overalls
what the hell was this trend about? sadly, it lasted for a few years. i remember all the cheerleaders had these and would often wear them on friday for some sort of school spirit deal. they had to be from the gap though, any other brand was a definite no-no. my mom bought me a pair and even though i felt idiotic, i still wore them. they did come in handy when i got a severe sunburn right at my waistline and couldn't wear regular pants/shorts (pictured above - check out my unusually intense summer glow).
chaco sandals

these weren't quite so mainstream as a lot of this other stuff, but i remember some people going ape-shit over them. maybe they're still popular, i dunno. i will give credit to lauren marcum though, she was the first person i knew who had a pair.

when i think about napster & downloading music the first people that come to mind are justin mills & ryan mcquaig. i had a class with these clowns, and i guess i heard about it first from them. sharing/downloading music and mp3s in general was a whole new thing, at least to me, and the legality of it all wasn't really questioned.
burning/ripping cds - right along there with napster was the art of burning your very own mix cd. totally awesome technology. not everyone had a pc so kids would give ryan mcquaig lists of songs to burn to disc, or he'd copy discs for them. funny how i go ten years without thinking about ryan mcquaig, and then he somehow makes his way onto my blog. twice. huh. when i finally got a computer with a writeable drive i burned myself a copy of "the marshall mathers lp" and i thought i was bad ass.
cell phones that fit in your pocket,
only not really

I had the one on the left for a while, which was pretty small compared to my mom's bag phone but still pretty sizeable. i've still got this thing in a drawer at my mom's house. so awesome. later my dad upgraded me to the small one on the right, which was way cooler because you could almost fit it in the pocket of your gap overalls.
99x big day out - i was uncool for a number of reasons in high school, but i always felt pretty lame because i had never seen a live rock concert. adam ware seemed to have an endless supply of these shirts. when i got to college i think i overcompensated for my lack of attending live shows by attending just one "string cheese incident" show at the tabernacle.
the new kroger - this was the best thing to hit dalton since the steak and shake. well, maybe not, but it was an improvement for sure. i remember blake gober, my brother, & i tailgated in the parking lot the morning that it opened. we bought breakfast and ate it in the bed of his truck. i saved the receipt. again, what the hell?
Overalls.... lets bring it back. Haha
omg, you are awesome. thank you for the journey through time. i had my own snood addiction at tech and could probably be hooked again in an instant.
anoraks - i love how they came in the little bag or the front pouch would even invert into its own bag. and they really didn't protect from rain well.
i miss napster! i was crazed on there for a while. bonus points for mentioning the marshall mathers lp.
i miss you!
OK your mom is the source of evil addictions! BEWARE Andy! Love the trip back...don't forget this is your 10th year high school graduation anniversary!
lmfao @ the overalls and sandals aaa! to this day i hate sandals. specially men in them, eww ewww.
This article is perfect!
Heey, I'm going to follow you, follow me, too?
Kisses ;**
hilarious stuff
Oh my gosh! Nokia phones, Napster, and burning CD's! That completely reminds me of my freshman year of college. I think I had about 20 different faceplates for my Nokia phone. . .
Ah, the memories.
Thanks for bringing me back! I used to wear them all the time
Dude. I don't know how I missed this post and that I was in it. I actually just recently retired those sandals...*sigh*
I am pretty sure I owned almost everything on this list. I don't know if that makes me awesome...or really, really sad.
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