
just something to think about

a lot of song lyrics/meanings can be interpreted in a variety of ways. you think you may know what a particular songwriter intended but then you hear him/her talking about what he/she meant, and you're like ooooh that makes way more sense now. the first one i thought of is "love song" by sara bareilles. it goes, "i'm not gonna write you a love song cause you asked for it cause you need one..." so at first i took that to mean she's dating this guy and he's totally into her but she's not that into him, as in, she's not gonna write a song about it. and then i heard this song was actually about her relationship with her record label, or something. i guess the company wanted her to put out some kind of love song ballad and she wasn't having it.

now, it's no secret that i like pop music. i sing aloud to kelly clarkson's "my life would suck without you." so yes, i am a fan, as i have purchased 2 of her albums. you also may know that recently she's been packing on the pounds. not that i care, but honestly she looks not so good anymore. andy likes to make fun of her and came up with another meaning to "my life would suck....": she's not singing about a guy, or even a person. she wrote it about a piece of chocolate cake. now that you've got that in your head, go listen to the song and it totally makes sense. pretty funny, andy.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

i like her a lot but yea, she's gotten fat...like unhealthy and not just carrying around a few extra pounds. actually, i myself like the song better thinking about it being a piece of chocolate cake. right on andy!