as andy & i were tapping the rockies aka drinking coors light this past weekend we noticed how the cans are just riddled with ridiculous features: wide mouth, vent, and color-change can. i hope you like my graphic. yeah, these cans have been out for a few years. so all that time prior to 2007 i've been screwed out of complete beer consumption efficiency!!! i feel a bit...cheated. i mean, we sent a man to the freaking moon a long ass time ago, but this kind of technology doesn't surface until now? someone explain that to me.

if you haven't seen the color-changing can, here's the deal: the mountain graphic on the front turns blue when the beer is at optimal drinking temperature. this is neat, but totally useless - i think i know what "cold" feels like. so how about this: spare me the "technology" and just charge less for your beer. that'll do.
How was anyone able to drink beer before these technologies came out? It is crazy. Our parents had it rough.
You don't even want to know how this parent drank her beer way back!
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