i had a lot of problems with this season.
1. deanna. girl, next time, when trying to convince an ex that he should get back together with you, never show up wearing the frumptastic getup that you sported with jason. it didn't do you any favors. if anything, it made us notice the weight you gained after your season was filmed, aka after jesse dumped your ass. sheesh. and to think that i used to like you (refer to post from 06.05.08).

2. where were the "women of color" in the top 25 or whatever? yeah, raquel was from brazil and had somewhat of an exotic look about her (as well as a jacked up grill), so i guess she's the token minority. anyone who looks "ethnic" in the photo just has a fake tan. actually, wait. i think the girl in the orange dress is asian. i recall her name as julie, or something equally non-asian. i remember cheering for her on looks alone, but then she turned out to be really weird. nevermind.

3. jason is pathetic: while lying on the bed with melissa jason uttered the words "what are you thinking?" video coming soon. i tell you right now, if andy said that to me in a moment of intimacy i think i'd flip my shit. those words belong to women.
4. jillian. where did they find this girl (don't say "canada," because that's not what i mean). i really really wanted to like her. but i couldn't. i'm probably one of the few who didn't enjoy her kind of crazy. she blew it for me with her hot dog theory. not only was her "theory" totally unfunny, but the way she pronounced the words "hot" and "dog" made me squirm. and you know, sometimes i like the quirky girls (if you could call her that). but usually the quirky girls don't talk so damn much.
5. what happened to the initial whittling down of the women show? many seasons ago they'd show you a bunch of strange (but still hot) girls that got through the initial screening rounds, american-idol style. each girl would get a few minutes alone with the bachelor and then the bachelor would narrow it down to the 25 or so girls he wanted in the house. what happened to that? now the first thing we see are the top 25 bachelorettes all glammed up beyond recognition, stepping out of limo to meet the bachelor for the first time. all of the awkwardness and none of the hilarity. i need to see the stupid human tricks!!
p.s. - i often refer to my addiction to reality tv as a guilty pleasure. andy hates this, and states that it's definitely not a *guilty* one, as i feel no guilt while/after watching.
HOLY FREAKIN COW!!!!!!! i was flipping out all over the place last night and i think i am still having some aftershocks today. unbelievable. i was hoping you would address this immediately.
deanna waltzed in there with some attitude. i read in Us that she is dating Ace from Real World Paris if you happpen to know who he is
(he was with a sorority girl from GT when he was on the show).
i don't think jason is into variety with women. and i don't think i can take any more of his tears and deep breaths.
i have to say that the amount of joy and excitement i receive from watching these shows is frightening to me. but i too do not feel guilty!
Those words belong to women? What??? What he said might be horrible for a number or reasons, but not because it's effeminate.
That's akin to saying "girls can't ask 'What's the score?'"
The bachelor's question indicates curiosity and maybe, if you really peer into, a bit of insecurity. But curiosity and insecurity aren't necessarily feminine qualities. They belong to everyone from research scientists to game show contestants.
You don't have to cut the guy slack, but you should refine the argument.
Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
fair enough, newsweeks. i'm with you on some of that. however, i'd still flip my shit if andy said that to me. which he wouldn't. because he's a man.
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