
i have an overwhelming desire to pick up other people's trash

i was thinking that since andy & i might not be playing in the hockey league this summer, we should do some volunteer work. it's been a while since i did anything like that, the last experience being summer 2005 when i did some work for tech corps georgia. basically i scrapped old computer systems and fixed/rebuilt ones that were worth salvaging. the organization would then donate the machines or sell them at a reduced cost to schools and small businesses that needed them. not only was it a good learning experience and something good for my resume, but it was pretty fun. i like computers, i like recycling things, and you're damn sure i like working in a warehouse with no air conditioning in august. near turner field. just playing. anyway, volunteering is a completely free activity, unlike playing hockey (although i did have to drive a few miles to get there, but whatever, gas was like 18 cents a gallon). it also kept me occupied so i wouldn't troll through the mall buying stuff i didn't need. and just because i have them, here are some photos:

cases ready for recycling

old floppy drives

warehouse full of other people's "techno trash"

turning trash into money

in the past few years andy and i have gone on many hikes/walks through the chattahoochee nature preserve and we're always saddened and disappointed by how much trash has collected on the riverbanks. most of it's plastic bottles and aluminum cans. it's really pathetic. a lot of things make me mad, but i'd have to say that littering beats out "not knowing how to use google to answer your questions" and "spending money on stupid shit." i keep telling myself i'll go enjoy a leisurely stroll and pick a bunch of it up one day but that idea usually loses to watching america's next top model. but perhaps if i sign up for something official and make a committment then i'll actually do it. as gary the no-trash cougar says, 'give a larbage, throw out your garbage.'

1 comment:

Naomi said...

you inspire me friend. when i was driving down our street 2 days ago, i thought "what is this random trash? i should walk out here and pick it up." but i didn't.