freecycle update: previous post mentioned a guy who sent odd text messages. he came for the stuff- no eye patch, no suspicious vehicle. just some middle-age guy and his wife in an old pickup. completely unremarkable.
football: maybe you saw the broncos/dolphins game last sunday. i was never a tim tebow fan - mainly b/c i dislike almost all SEC teams and got sick of the media hype while he was at UF. i wouldn't call myself a broncos fan yet, but i'm getting there (i know the names of four players now, instead of two!) it seems like all the hopes and dreams of the city of denver are on tim tebow. people go absoutely bananas over the guy. it's so bizarre.
radio: my friends know that i love morning radio shows, but denver's stuff just doesn't do it for me. sorry bj, howie, & erica. i gave it a good, solid 2 months but i just had to switch back to atlanta's "the bert show." i mean, you never forget your first love... unfortunately during my listening gap i missed out on getting to know the new host (kristen). she's ok, but i'm surprised the company didn't hire someone with a drastically different perspective, because in my opinion she's a blend of jen hobby & wendy adams. i still miss melissa carter, but at least i've still got jeff. fortunately there's a good afternoon show here so it almost makes up for the pain.
weather: a winter storm is forecast for tonight, continuing into tomorrow afternoon (i think i just heard...thunder snow?). denver may get up to 8 inches of snow, which apparently is a lot for this time of year. my mom (mary ellen) is flying in tomorrow, so i would really like it if she didn't experience horrendous delays; although she's so cool i doubt it would mess her up too bad. i love the way she's always down for whatever these days.
hockey: the good news is that i'm actually playing. the facilities are nice, and they're close to my apartment. the bad news is that i think i'm playing in what's known as the "old man league." there's very little team camraderie, and i think there is only one other female player in the division. if you were to take a team poll, i'm sure i'd be voted worst player. that never feels good. if i were to compare it to playing in the AAHL, i'd say the division is equivalent to playing in middle A. some guys have real skillz but play kinda lazy. i lack skill, but play really hard, so sometimes it evens out.
books: i've been reading like a fiend since the denver library has ebooks you can check out on your digital reader. the checkout period is 21 days and if you don't finish the book it just disappears from your shelf. can't renew. aww. most newer books have a lengthy wait list, so a lot of times i'll put myself on the wait list for several books...and then for some reason they all become available at the same time and then i have to read 3 books in 21 days. so far i've read twenties girl, smokin' seventeen, outliers, and now i'm on the help (i swear i was on the wait list for months). it's pretty nice not to have to visit the library to get your hands on "free" books.
stuffed animals: i have two that hang out on/in my bed. one is a wild turkey. the other is the yellow angry bird.
that last one was really random, but gives you a deeper insight to the girl behind the blog.
I'm intrigued by the costume. It looks like it has a wheel of some sort. I'm glad to hear your mom is laid back, you are going to appreciate that even more if you have kids.
I'm interested to hear what you thought about The Help, especially because you're from the South. Well, maybe you're not from there, perhaps you just lived in Georgia for a few months (I try not to make assumptions.) Did you read my blog post about it?
Thunder Snow is legit! We get it often here when thunder/rain storms turn to snow. Also, When Alice's morning show was "BJ, Howie and Jennifer" it was AWESOME. Then they fired Jennifer and brought on Erica... it ruined the show.
gobbles mcbutterball!!! miss that guy. where is english muffin? i have no idea what your costume is. i won't even try to guess. agreed on the kristen thing. i like her slightly better now than i did at first but she's just ok. have a great time with mary ellen!
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