
colonel mustard...in the library...with the rope

ok, here's something unsettling i found in my condo by the front door. it appeared early last week and to my knowledge is still there.

what the...

new door stop, or evidence? damn you, overactive imagination.
(probably just a tool that the landscapers left behind)

now let's talk about the snow & ice situtation.  first day after the snow, totally awesome (unless you had somewhere to be, i guess).  obviously no one was going anywhere, ie. i wouldn't be able to cure any boredom with mindless bargain hunting at tjmaxx. so i left my place to walk around outside and survey the damage.

mmm abandoned cars.

i was scouting for terrain that would make for a good ski run but knew i'd never actually take my snowboard out on the road for fear i'd scrape it up too bad (or hurt myself and/or look like an idiot).  i walked all the way up to my office but figured it was pointless to go in and work.  so i walked home, got some chores done and relaxed a bit.  well, a lot, actually.  i must have launched over 1,000 angry birds.  by the end of the evening i was a little restless and bored.  well, ask and ye shall receive, because around 9pm i heard a loud "kabooooom!!" which of course got me looking out my window.  i thought a car had crashed into the gate or something.  and then i heard it again, followed by the sound of people running on the snow.  check it out:

so thankfully it wasn't a grisly scene and no one was injured.  

leaving for utah on thursday.  hoping the ice melts so we won't have problems getting to the airport. i'm especially stoked about this trip because we're joining naomi & brandon out there (but sad that i'm going to miss the falcons game...lets hope they win b/c i've got tix to the nfc championship game!!)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

your video is amazing. i would like to know how the vehicle caught on fire.

that pickaxe was not left by the landscapers. i think it has to be the only remaining evidence of a failed attempt at murder.

i will see you saturday...IN UTAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!