
friends with benefits

so my friends and i went to hilton head this past week for vacation. if you're wondering, it ruled. so just as my buddies got to reap the benefits of my grandma's oceanfront home i also got some of my own good stuff from my friend - v.i.p. passes to a pre-screening of harry potter #6. chad's uncle works for warner bros. and chad's always getting free movie passes. chad's probably - no - *definitely* the biggest harry potter fan i know and thank goodness his uncle delivered on this one. so the best part about this pre-screening deal is that the show was at 6pm, there were no small children, the theater was only half-full, and no one was in the chair next to me. oh, and the movie was fantastic. and did i mention free shirts?!

cathy & me wearing awesome free shirts

1 comment:

Naomi said...

you both look so nice and tan! i'm surprised that andy wasn't in the chair next to you.