so i'm sitting in the condo right now blogging because the hot tub is no worky. apparently some technician guy came a few hours ago, drained the thing, then filled it back up. and now the water is at 50 degrees. i dunno who owns this joint, but they should have scheduled that for *tomorrow* when we're all on our way outta here. anyway, i've seen a crazy amount of snow in the past few days. i'm a little bummed we didn't get any sunny days - it snowed every day we were out - but the skiing has been delicious. yesterday we were at snowbird after they got like 20 inches of snow. it was nuts. snow up to your waist. i'll post pics soon.
I was there for those snowflake pictures.. yeeeah!!!
i commented on the last entry and it never posted. =( those snowflakes are amazing...i almost don't believe they're real. glad you guys had a good time. miss ya!
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