teaser for the final episode of the bachelor:
"what you're about to witness is potentially so dramatic..." gimme a break.
and while we're on the subject: i'm an extremely loyal fan of the bachelor/bachelorette series, but this season has been awful. while jason may be a lot of women's ideal guy, i think he sucks. he's a single dad, he's short, cheesy, and way too in touch with his emotions. he probably wouldn't like me either. heh.
in my mom's pantry:
some photos
here are some of my favorite pictures from vacation (excluding the two snowflake photos from my earlier post):
funny story about this: according to the trail map there is a black diamond "easiest way down" route at this particular peak. i refused to believe the sign at the loading point that said - along with the cute drawings of skulls/crossbones - "beware, experts only. there is no easy way down." i was like, whatever, let's do it. as you can see, i was mistaken. it was kinda funny at first, you know, all of the falling and tumbling and rolling, but then it just started to hurt.
here is my dearest andy after about 30 minutes of struggling through some intense powder at snowbird
i'm still on vacation
for those of you who have only seen snow in the southeast and think that flakes look like giant blobs of ice, here is what i'm dealing with out here in utah:

so i'm sitting in the condo right now blogging because the hot tub is no worky. apparently some technician guy came a few hours ago, drained the thing, then filled it back up. and now the water is at 50 degrees. i dunno who owns this joint, but they should have scheduled that for *tomorrow* when we're all on our way outta here. anyway, i've seen a crazy amount of snow in the past few days. i'm a little bummed we didn't get any sunny days - it snowed every day we were out - but the skiing has been delicious. yesterday we were at snowbird after they got like 20 inches of snow. it was nuts. snow up to your waist. i'll post pics soon.
national signing day
uh-oh, been a while since i posted. my b. i've got a lot of stuff i've been meaning to post and i'm totally running out of time because i'm going to utah early tomorrow morning and my stuff is kinda all over the place and not in my suitcase where it should be...so i'm typing this while catching up on "double shot at love." this show is insane. remember tila tequila from the original? well, this season featured the "ikki twins," rikki and vikki - bisexual identical twins. ridiculous. soft-core porn. too much girl-on-girl action. i feel, well, icky when i'm watching it. the twins date from the same collection of girls & guys, and then have to agree on who to eliminate. once they got down to the final two, you would think that one twin would pick one contestant, and the other twin would pick the other. but noooo...both twins picked the same guy and then *he* had to choose. poor bastard.
one thing i've completely neglected to blog about is my uncle's sorta-stepson donovan. donovan tate. check it:
he's a senior at cartersville high (georgia) and is my uncle's ex-wife's son. i've only hung out with him a few times, but he and my uncle (lee) are pretty tight. this kid is so good at baseball and football that he beat out other awesome high school athletes for the cover of this magazine. he was being recruited by some big-time football programs (usc, michigan, alabama) but went with unc. interesting selection. word on the street is that he'll be a top-10 pick in the baseball draft this spring. not even kidding.
since today was national signing day i met him & his mom at fox sports grill at atlantic station for some interviews and celebration. here are some pics.
looking studly with some of his cartersville team mates
he's a senior at cartersville high (georgia) and is my uncle's ex-wife's son. i've only hung out with him a few times, but he and my uncle (lee) are pretty tight. this kid is so good at baseball and football that he beat out other awesome high school athletes for the cover of this magazine. he was being recruited by some big-time football programs (usc, michigan, alabama) but went with unc. interesting selection. word on the street is that he'll be a top-10 pick in the baseball draft this spring. not even kidding.
since today was national signing day i met him & his mom at fox sports grill at atlantic station for some interviews and celebration. here are some pics.

as i mentioned, i'm leaving for vacation tomorrow morning. andy & i are going snowboarding in utah. i fricking love utah, except for the low-gravity beer. we'll be at the canyons for 2 days and then we are meeting up with some buddies for more craziness down-valley. peace out dudes.
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