lately i haven't really had anything to blog about. like, i'll go about my day and something amusing/noteworthy will occur, and i'll think to myself that i should mention it here. and then i'll forget. i'll forget that i was going to write in my blog, and i'll also forget what i was going to mention. so when i finally get around to posting, i'm at a complete loss. actually, i guess that in itself is something worth blogging about, so, score.
Nothing to blog about? Nothing?
Anne! You've got opinions out the wazoo, from the subtle differences in chain fast food burrito restaurants to the subtleties of trash reality programming, I'm sure you can enlighten us with your usually verve and tired-of-taking-this demeanor.
I'll make a blog assignment for you:
Blog about your weekend, today through Sunday. Three posts about what you did with your days. Even if you're living a boring-ass life. Try it, see what happens... or else don't, and KMA.
you're on.
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