last week i posted a somewhat cryptic photo of my boyfriend andy & me on facebook, with the caption "um...we've got some news...." actually, here it is again:
since this is only a photo of ourselves and not of an
engagement ring or a baby bump, one should realize that
the graphic on the shirts is the only clue to what the "news" is.
now, understand that i was being purposefully ambiguous, ya know, just to jack with people. family, close friends, & coworkers had already heard the news, and people from our hockey league kinda got it because they recognized the logos on our shirts. i didn't expect the majority of the facebook audience to get it, only because this is not a familiar logo, but at least one of my previous room mates was on the right track when she said "are you moving to canada?"
anyway, we're moving to denver, colorado. i guess i'll have a lot more stuff to blog about when i get out there. here are my priorities for the next few weeks:
- finding a place to live
- finding someone to take over my lease here
- figuring out logistics of a cross-country move
- hanging out with my best buds one last time
- finding a job
- selling my car
- organizing my stuff
ugh. i've already started organizing all my stuff, like, junk thats been in boxes in my mom's attic for years. i have a bunch of notebooks full of old school crap and even though its pretty organized already i'd rather not have four notebooks full of it. so i've been scanning some stuff & tossing the papers. i started with the georgia tech stuff. obviously i didn't hang on to all of it after i completed the courses, but i held onto most of my test & quizzes. and then i came across my degree petition & started looking at my transcript. even though i managed to graduate with honor i didn't do that well in some of my major courses (remember cs 2130? yeah, i had to repeat that one. cs 2200? you betcha, took that one twice as well). performed poorly on tests at the beginning and lost all motivation. didn't do any more work & just went to the lake instead. i used to think it'd be hard fail a class. like, even if you turned in some work you could manage a D. well, actually, it's pretty damn easy to fail a class, you just don't do anything. amazing how that works. one semester i actually had a 0.0 GPA, granted, i only took one course. but i'm sure the square root club would let me in.