
nerdy awesomeness (or awesome nerdy-ness?)

something awesome courtesy of two software applications i use frequently at work - visualHub and handBrake:

popup i get when i cancel my video processing job (visualHub).  makes me laugh every time.

and this is the popup that displays when my video is finished processing using the handbrake app.

i didn't have a cocktail in my hand the first time i saw this message so i couldn't follow the instructions properly.  in preparation for my next encode, i made myself a cocktail, took it back to my desk, and then my boss caught me with it.  apparently i can't drink on the job.  huh.

anyway it's almost 4pm on a friday afternoon.  i think my work here is done.


aahl rec league

there were some people shooting video and taking photos at my last hockey game - i dug through the 80 photos that the guy put on facebook and i didn't make any of them.  i'm bummed because they were really good photos.  here are two good ones of andy:

  but i did make one of the video clips (i'm #15 in black)

it's weird seeing that play on video, because i could have sworn i was skating *way* faster than that.


this chick's got it all figured out

i've been meaning to post this video for a while but never got around to it mainly b/c i was dreading spending time editing it. it's from tlc's "toddlers & tiaras." the clip below is only about half of what i want to show you, but i think you'll be sufficiently annoyed to get my point:

yes, i watch this show.  it's chock-full of people who deserve ridicule, primarily obese, undereducated, backasswards country women with bad hairstyles who waste obscene amounts of money on chintzy dresses for three-year-olds.  unbelievable.


the soothing voice of lois reitzes

if i need a break from hearing ke$ha - um, never - or need to catch up on politics and world events, i turn the radio to 90.1fm, WABE (npr).  occasionally i catch the "second cup" program with lois reitzes (sounds like right-sis), and while i appreciate her clear diction and dedication to the classics, i can't stand the sound of her voice.  i feel kinda bad saying that, since she's mild-mannered and her words never offend me, but if you can only depend on one thing in this in this world, it should be that i will make fun of someone or something on this blog...

i've been meaning to give you a sound byte of her for a while but never got around to it until now:

and another clip

oh, lois. i refuse to believe that she speaks like that all the time. there's just no way.  i'm hoping this is just her on-air voice, and no one ever told her how ridiculous she sounds so she just keeps it up.


my 55-yr old mom can beat up your mom

last weekend - for the july 4 holiday - andy, my mom, & i went to nashville to visit my brother john, aka "chron," & his gf marissa.  john's an avid indoor rock climber and i figured that climbing would be a fun activity that we could all enjoy together regardless of how bad we sucked.  didn't know if my mom would want to climb, but once the manager at climb nashville gave her a free pass and got her into a harness i knew it was gonna be a balls-to-the-wall kind of day.  we practically had to drag her out of the place.

andy was pretty good, which i will mostly attribute to his long limbs more so than his strength.  i'm sure he'll tell you something different.  i half-way expected to go in there and dominate, since i usually kick ass at stuff like this, but i was not so good. was a little embarrassed at how exhausted i was after two slightly more challenging routes.


the random drunken injury

have you ever had an awesome party weekend full of booze and general tomfoolery and then a few days later you notice all these bruises and cuts on you, and it's surprising because you have very little memory of how they got there?  bueller?...bueller?  this happened to me last weekend and i am still finding signs of random drunken injury, or R.D.I. as i'm now going to call it.  i guess this sounds way more severe than it actually is, it's not like i gashed my head open or anything, but i have a killer bruise, it's like 6 inches long, behind my knee that hurt real bad until today.  i'm pretty sure brandon's got similar bruises since we were the ones attempting to board the pontoon boat from the front - while in the water - without the aid of a ladder (ladders, ha.  i shall use my brute strength to get on the boat!)  i'm also missing a small chunk of flesh from my knuckle- got no idea how that happened.  all i know is that one minute i'm floating along in the lake and the next i'm handing andy a beer and my finger's all bloody.  weird.  and then there was that time i jumped into the lake "knees first" not realizing how shallow...yeah, that one didn't end well.  anyone else have any good R.D.I. stories?