friday is the first game of the summer ice hockey rec league. i'm glad, because i'm getting sick of jogging at 6:30am just to stay in reasonable shape. andy & i are on the stars again, which is great because the captain (matt asher) always drafts people who are fun, sociable, and not a-holes. asher also likes chicks on his team - this season half the roster is female. i'm cool with that, because girls usually don't smell as bad as dudes. the team doesn't usually have a winning record. there are many conclusions you can draw from these facts, but let's not go there.
i always look forward to the draft, mainly so i can see if asher gave me a ridiculous nickname. here's the screen shot from last season, followed by this season:
so as you see, last season i was "yarn hair," i'm guessing because my name is anne, my boyfriend's name is andy, so we're like raggedy ann & andy...who both have yarn for hair? got it. and then watergirl: i always fill my water bottle with filtered water instead of cooler water and i don't like other people drinking out of my bottle. asher always brings a bunch of water bottles filled with grody water and i tend to complain about it. it's true.