thanksgiving break, full of ups & downs.
pro: lots of food
con: i ate lots of food
pro: had a great hockey dream last night, scored two goals, yes!
con: i dont get to play hockey until january
pro: gt over uga
con: almost gave me a heart attack and i think i have heartburn/indigestion
and if you're wondering what the good word is, it's "to hell with georgia"
maybe next year, chron
only a handful of people are going to think this is amusing. just so you know.
my brother & i play a stupid game around this time of year: the race for boiled custard. i'm not sure if you could really call it a "game," and i totally just made up the name i mentioned there, but it's fun. it always seems to be the case that the loser is completely caught off guard, which is also good for a laugh.
so some background info - my brother & i grew up drinking boiled custard as a holiday treat. this stuff - along with mary ellen's homemade ginger cookies - signified that the holidays were upon us, ie. santa was on his way, most likely bringing us an excellent haul. ah, good times.
anyway, like egg nog, boiled custard is a seasonal item. unlike egg nog, it is delish. tastes like really rich vanilla ice cream melted down and then chilled. a tall glass of this stuff - which is what i am inclined to drink right when i buy it - will send me into diabetic shock. so i am almost forced to train with smaller portions a few days prior to full-on custard consumption mode. back in the late eighties i remember it came in a small carton, like a really skinny milk carton. now it comes in those plastic jugs and thank goodness it comes in a half-gallon size, you know, for those lonely nights. and so far i've only seen kroger's brand. apparently they've got the market cornered (and i'm possibly the only one buying, so whatever).
POINT IS, this stuff is sacred. brings back some good memories. oh, and it's freaking delicious. my bro & i get a kick out of how we, as kids, used to make a huge deal over something that costs four bucks. now we have this "thing" where if he or i think we've spotted the first batch of the season, we have to call the other and gloat. i know for a fact that this is my third consecutive year winning (which is weird because i usually steer clear of the dairy case). i saw some tonite, bought it, and made the call: "hello dear brother, i want you to listen closely: i am now the owner of something delicious!!" and with absolute certainty as to what i was referring, he told me he'd get me back next year.
my brother & i play a stupid game around this time of year: the race for boiled custard. i'm not sure if you could really call it a "game," and i totally just made up the name i mentioned there, but it's fun. it always seems to be the case that the loser is completely caught off guard, which is also good for a laugh.
so some background info - my brother & i grew up drinking boiled custard as a holiday treat. this stuff - along with mary ellen's homemade ginger cookies - signified that the holidays were upon us, ie. santa was on his way, most likely bringing us an excellent haul. ah, good times.
anyway, like egg nog, boiled custard is a seasonal item. unlike egg nog, it is delish. tastes like really rich vanilla ice cream melted down and then chilled. a tall glass of this stuff - which is what i am inclined to drink right when i buy it - will send me into diabetic shock. so i am almost forced to train with smaller portions a few days prior to full-on custard consumption mode. back in the late eighties i remember it came in a small carton, like a really skinny milk carton. now it comes in those plastic jugs and thank goodness it comes in a half-gallon size, you know, for those lonely nights. and so far i've only seen kroger's brand. apparently they've got the market cornered (and i'm possibly the only one buying, so whatever).
POINT IS, this stuff is sacred. brings back some good memories. oh, and it's freaking delicious. my bro & i get a kick out of how we, as kids, used to make a huge deal over something that costs four bucks. now we have this "thing" where if he or i think we've spotted the first batch of the season, we have to call the other and gloat. i know for a fact that this is my third consecutive year winning (which is weird because i usually steer clear of the dairy case). i saw some tonite, bought it, and made the call: "hello dear brother, i want you to listen closely: i am now the owner of something delicious!!" and with absolute certainty as to what i was referring, he told me he'd get me back next year.
i love gooooooold
sunday (yesterday) i did something that i don't usually do: i sat on my ass in front of the tv [and watched tv] the entire day. i got sucked into this stupid "the lottery changed my life" mini-series on tlc which was pretty entertaining, but the ads during the commercial breaks were all for those gold buyback programs which are pretty damn annoying. you know the ones: "i had no idea my gold jewelry was worth so much money!" here is a snippet from one of those commercials, starring possibly the most frightening woman alive. woman? i bet you already know what i'm about to show you...
and omg they totally trick you into watching the commercial because the first woman is attractive. then they pull the ol' bait and switch. oh and don't get me started on the 3rd lady - "i got more money than i ever imagined!" really. more than you could *ever* imagine? anyway now i'm getting into advertising tactics, but my point is that i'm extremely frightened by the 2nd lady. i think i'll have to check under my bed for monsters before i go to sleep.
and omg they totally trick you into watching the commercial because the first woman is attractive. then they pull the ol' bait and switch. oh and don't get me started on the 3rd lady - "i got more money than i ever imagined!" really. more than you could *ever* imagine? anyway now i'm getting into advertising tactics, but my point is that i'm extremely frightened by the 2nd lady. i think i'll have to check under my bed for monsters before i go to sleep.
damn i love me some tv
oooh, oooh! tv time. it is the bestest time. right now i am trying to blog whilst watching the finale of america's next top model. eh, who am i kidding. i can't do *anything* and watch antm at the same time. this show gets 100% of my attention. so, i'll be back in a bit.
alrighty. tyra just crowned another winner of antm and i am sad because once again there will be this huge void in my life... so thank goodness there are more shows to watch:
wow is that it? i seem to be slacking on the number of series i am watching. oh, i was totally watching project runway season 5 and top design, both on bravo, and both are over now. this was my first season watching project runway and i'm an addict now. top design was stupid but i got sucked in early so i had to finish it out. right. now i'm just waiting for the apprentice to return and i will be happy.
alrighty. tyra just crowned another winner of antm and i am sad because once again there will be this huge void in my life... so thank goodness there are more shows to watch:
- the biggest loser
this show makes me feel skinny and awesome. there's a lady on this season (the family edition) - vicky - and she pisses me off so bad. she's this hulking, manipulative troll, and while she is looking better since she's dropped some serious poundage, she is as mean as ever. also, she has a son named chance. i have a problem with that. i think it's a good name for a dog, not a human. unfortunately vicky is doing well in the game much to my (and my friend naomi's) dismay. naomi & i have gotten into this groove of emailing each other our frustrations over the show, usually right after it airs. here's a snipppet:
"omg...vicky. i despise her! everytime she opens her mouth or does one of her evil looks i have to turn to brandon and say "WHAT A BITCH!" she needs a beat down..... i will be anxiously waiting for her to be voted off. and yes, heba is a retarded fat cow and she is next in line on my hate list."
dude. harsh. naomi, you are a bad, bad girl. - stylista
ah. another elimination challenge show. this gem is from the makers of top model and project runway and is a huge waste of time. which means i'm watching it. the contestants are vying for an internship as a fashion editor at elle magazine. think the devil wears prada as a reality show. - paris hilton's my new bff
this really needs no explanation. and i am not going to apologize for watching this. - the real housewives of atlanta
they've got more money than they've got sense, but i'll still watch 'em on tv. the show follows 5 ladies from atlanta (well, metro) and features footage of their day-to-day activities, relationships, and personal projects. all of it is complete rubbish. all of these gals have personal assistants, chefs and stylists, but one actually has a personal shoe salesman. i can understand having a chef, a maid, and all that, but come on. makes me sick because that shoe dude probably makes way more $$ than i do. he's gotta be laughing all the way to the bank. so one chick (the only white one) is an aspiring country singer which makes absolutely no sense because she can't sing, oh but wait, she knows dallas austin and she thinks he's actually going to produce her album. she's totally nasty. as my brother would say, "money can't buy class." the lady with the shoe man is trying to launch a clothing line, and it's laughable because she just pays other people to do the work - as in, she has to hire someone to sketch for her since she is obviously talentless, and you better believe another person does the sewing, and then someone else does marketing, etc. most of the show focuses on how they are all two-faced backstabbing whores. they insist they all knew each other before the show, but i'm not buyin' it.
wow is that it? i seem to be slacking on the number of series i am watching. oh, i was totally watching project runway season 5 and top design, both on bravo, and both are over now. this was my first season watching project runway and i'm an addict now. top design was stupid but i got sucked in early so i had to finish it out. right. now i'm just waiting for the apprentice to return and i will be happy.
another game i like to play
if you're having a bad day, maybe this photo of a random guy with a sweet 'stache will make you chuckle.
i was searching for some graphics on google images for a project i'm doing at work, and this is what came up when i queried "independent counsel resources." friendly looking fellow. what's so awesome is that his name - well, a common abbreviation of his first name - is exactly what you'd think it would be. go ahead, take a guess. you can find the answer here. fun game, huh. sometimes i think i look like a "stephanie" in some of my photos.

today i exercised... right to vote. boo-yah! this post is brought to you by my boredom as i watch the election coverage on tv (as soon as paris hilton's my new bff comes on, i'm changing the channel).

my passion for democracy is clearly evident in this photo. clearly. but really, i think i look pretty good for having just rolled out of bed. and screw you if you think i'm lame for having someone take my photo.

life on mars
(no, not the tv show)
scientists should send me to mars to probe for signs of life. it is guaranteed that whatever creatures exist there will bite me.
for added grody-ness, here are some pics!!
*update - i censored by request, but honestly it's not that gross except the fact that it's a shot of my foot. if you really wanna see it just click the image.* these are fire ant bites from saturday. i totally just took this pic like 5 minutes ago. i know, it could have been a lot worse, but these still hurt/itch like hell. perhaps i should leave my shoes on while tailgating in the grass.
scientists should send me to mars to probe for signs of life. it is guaranteed that whatever creatures exist there will bite me.
for added grody-ness, here are some pics!!

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