as i was driving to work on tuesday i saw an airplane working on a skywriting. there was a big "A" and an "I" and something that looked like the beginnings of an "R." kinda weird to see that at 8:00 am but figured that skywriters need practice just like anybody else...or some lucky lady in atlanta was about to be surprised with an early-morning marriage proposal. the following day around mid-afternoon i saw the same thing, but this time i could see "AIRTRA" which i figured could be airtran. and then i saw it again on my way home from work as i was driving on the interstate. funny i never saw the entire message. i tried to get a picture of it but my camera was stuck in my purse and by the time i got it out of the case i had veered off to the west and couldn't see it anymore. major failure, and i'm still disappointed with myself. anyway, mystery solved:
target stores have this awesome ad/promotion thing for "going green" in people magazine this month. there is a postage-paid address label printed on the inside cover and if you remove the cover (front & back) you can make a little pouch. and then if you stuff the pouch with 5 plastic bags from target stores, seal it up, put your return address on it, and pop it in the mail, target will mail you a reusable tote bag. how freaking cool. and its totally free, as long as you can round up 5 target bags. i haven't done this yet but i better act fast before someone else in my office steals the people magazine.
this is totally unrelated to advertising, but it does fall under the category of awesome: i scored my first goal last sunday. not just my first goal of the season, but first goal *ever.* totally rad. and it was a legit goal too. the bad news is now i guess i have to put up more points or i'll look crappy.
tastes like burning
new food in my neighborhood:
pollo brassa - this is a casual rotisserie chicken place in the old giorgio's pizza location across from post collier hills apartments. peruvian flare. i feel bad making judgments on this place since it's very new and they don't really have their shit together, but i'll give you the scoop. really tasty chicken. weird atmosphere. still feels like giorgios except it's brighter and there's no pizza. they need to ditch the foam cups and plastic cutlery. i have a feeling the disposable stuff is due to the newness. anyway, i left smelling like a rotisserie. not a good thing. seriously, the smell permeated every fiber of my clothes. i wore the same jeans again the next day to work and i smelled like burning. i probably even tasted like burning. heh.
bone garden cantina - really cool mexicanish place by the guys who brought you the vortex. i say "mexicanish" because although the food is definitely mexican, the servers look like they're straight out of a used record shop in little five points. or they're georgia state students. probably both. this place is on ellsworth industrial blvd between howell mill & marietta blvd. my friend walter has been telling me about this place for months. luckily i convinced my friends that six feet under was a bad idea (see post from february 27), and we wound up here. the restaurant is a part of the "lumber yard" complex which is really cool but smelled like a used diaper filled with indian food inside a rotten pumpkin, according to chad. so that was kinda nasty. the restaurant is small but the decor is awesome. total skeleton theme. there are custom paintings and sculptures that will definitely scare the kids. the menu is one of those a la carte deals which allows you to sample a lot of things, but doing so can get expensive if you're super-hungry. i kinda felt like i was gambling since i wasn't familiar with a lot of the items and wasn't sure how big the portions were. after i had ordered i got scared because heard this lady at the neighboring table say "this is nasty," directly to the server. anyway, i got a tilapia taco and a pork sope (pronounced SOH-peh) and both were awesome. i could have eaten another taco but my cheapness held my stomach in check. oh and the guacamole was great but not worth $4. so i'll definitely be back here as long as someone else is treating.
pollo brassa - this is a casual rotisserie chicken place in the old giorgio's pizza location across from post collier hills apartments. peruvian flare. i feel bad making judgments on this place since it's very new and they don't really have their shit together, but i'll give you the scoop. really tasty chicken. weird atmosphere. still feels like giorgios except it's brighter and there's no pizza. they need to ditch the foam cups and plastic cutlery. i have a feeling the disposable stuff is due to the newness. anyway, i left smelling like a rotisserie. not a good thing. seriously, the smell permeated every fiber of my clothes. i wore the same jeans again the next day to work and i smelled like burning. i probably even tasted like burning. heh.
bone garden cantina - really cool mexicanish place by the guys who brought you the vortex. i say "mexicanish" because although the food is definitely mexican, the servers look like they're straight out of a used record shop in little five points. or they're georgia state students. probably both. this place is on ellsworth industrial blvd between howell mill & marietta blvd. my friend walter has been telling me about this place for months. luckily i convinced my friends that six feet under was a bad idea (see post from february 27), and we wound up here. the restaurant is a part of the "lumber yard" complex which is really cool but smelled like a used diaper filled with indian food inside a rotten pumpkin, according to chad. so that was kinda nasty. the restaurant is small but the decor is awesome. total skeleton theme. there are custom paintings and sculptures that will definitely scare the kids. the menu is one of those a la carte deals which allows you to sample a lot of things, but doing so can get expensive if you're super-hungry. i kinda felt like i was gambling since i wasn't familiar with a lot of the items and wasn't sure how big the portions were. after i had ordered i got scared because heard this lady at the neighboring table say "this is nasty," directly to the server. anyway, i got a tilapia taco and a pork sope (pronounced SOH-peh) and both were awesome. i could have eaten another taco but my cheapness held my stomach in check. oh and the guacamole was great but not worth $4. so i'll definitely be back here as long as someone else is treating.
some stuff, part 2
i'm experiencing a noticeable lack of blog-worthy stuff these days, but screw that, i'm gonna type some stuff anyway because that's the joy of blogging.
- i wore capri pants to work today with sandals. maybe they were technically cropped pants, i dunno. anyway, my point is that it's hot as crap outside and i'm ready for fall weather. then i can wear long pants and closed-toed shoes and won't have to deal with comments about my feet looking long (see post from 9-25-08) hahahaha i'm still laughing about that.
- i have all this paperboard in my trunk because i like to recycle it. the most convenient place to do this is at my office, but i always forget to get it out of my trunk. so it just collects back there and i'm too lazy to bag it up. also, i don't like carrying it up there because most of it is beer boxes and i can't fold it up small enough to fit in a normal size bag
- if anyone needs a snowboard and bindings i'm trying to sell mine... i'll make you a deal!
- my hockey team is awful. i have yet to score a goal. i've knocked a few people on their asses, so i guess that's something. andy, on the other hand, is the best player on the team.
- my roomie bought another tv and another comcast dvr. so that makes two dvrs. score. this means i can record twice the crap that i usually do, like paris hiltons new bff and housewives of atlanta!! woo!! i've started to geting up 10 minutes earlier in the morning so i can peruse the listings and record all the garbage that's on. seriously, there are not enough hours in the day...
- jamie lynn spears is rumored to be preggers again. what a mess.
- here's a depressing piece - my mom's dog (prissy) had to be put to sleep. she was old. i'm thinking if her previous owner hadn't fed her all those blasted hamburgers from wendy's she'd still be here. r.i.p prissy!!
- i wore capri pants to work today with sandals. maybe they were technically cropped pants, i dunno. anyway, my point is that it's hot as crap outside and i'm ready for fall weather. then i can wear long pants and closed-toed shoes and won't have to deal with comments about my feet looking long (see post from 9-25-08) hahahaha i'm still laughing about that.
- i have all this paperboard in my trunk because i like to recycle it. the most convenient place to do this is at my office, but i always forget to get it out of my trunk. so it just collects back there and i'm too lazy to bag it up. also, i don't like carrying it up there because most of it is beer boxes and i can't fold it up small enough to fit in a normal size bag
- if anyone needs a snowboard and bindings i'm trying to sell mine... i'll make you a deal!
- my hockey team is awful. i have yet to score a goal. i've knocked a few people on their asses, so i guess that's something. andy, on the other hand, is the best player on the team.
- my roomie bought another tv and another comcast dvr. so that makes two dvrs. score. this means i can record twice the crap that i usually do, like paris hiltons new bff and housewives of atlanta!! woo!! i've started to geting up 10 minutes earlier in the morning so i can peruse the listings and record all the garbage that's on. seriously, there are not enough hours in the day...
- jamie lynn spears is rumored to be preggers again. what a mess.
- here's a depressing piece - my mom's dog (prissy) had to be put to sleep. she was old. i'm thinking if her previous owner hadn't fed her all those blasted hamburgers from wendy's she'd still be here. r.i.p prissy!!

tuesday commute
so there was this huge gas shortage in atlanta, ya know, in case you didn't hear about it. i guess it started about two weeks ago, which is the last time i filled up my tank. the whole thing seriously pissed me off. no one seemed to be conserving gas at all. people were flocking to the stations, cars were clogging up the roads, and i got real close to having three or four car accidents. and i probably reached my quota of giving people the finger.
so in an effort to avoid fueling up, and purely for the sake of stickin'-it-to-the-man (and for my own amusement/torture, i guess), i took MARTA to & from work on tuesday. in theory, not a bad idea. in reality, WORST IDEA EVER. i was prepared to suffer, and i did: the 7-mile/15 minute journey i usually make in my car twice per day took an hour and 15 minutes (going). coming home however took almost 2 hours. the transit time alone sucked really bad, but the ride/overall experience itself was pretty shitty. can't say i wasn't expecting it. for one, i had read on the website that you could load fare onto your card on the bus (i had a breeze ticket with no funds). well that was either false or that feature wasn't working. at least the lady let me ride. so i bought a new card at the rail station. then on the CCT bus going home the driver told me that unless i call marta customer service to inform them i will be using my card on CCT, the card won't work on CCT: it works on CCT buses only when your trip originates with MARTA. it won't work on CCT if CCT is the first leg of your journey (which for me it was, coming from my office). i was completely unaware of this and then the subsequent transers messed up the card. the driver on the #37 bus almost ran over some chinese kids, the guy across from me was bitching about how loud another rider was talking - like, he was talking directly to me about how big of a moron this guy was - and well, it freakin' took forever. i was tired and cranky when i got home and wanted to kiss my car when i saw it.
yeah, gas prices are way too high, but i'll still pay up.
so in an effort to avoid fueling up, and purely for the sake of stickin'-it-to-the-man (and for my own amusement/torture, i guess), i took MARTA to & from work on tuesday. in theory, not a bad idea. in reality, WORST IDEA EVER. i was prepared to suffer, and i did: the 7-mile/15 minute journey i usually make in my car twice per day took an hour and 15 minutes (going). coming home however took almost 2 hours. the transit time alone sucked really bad, but the ride/overall experience itself was pretty shitty. can't say i wasn't expecting it. for one, i had read on the website that you could load fare onto your card on the bus (i had a breeze ticket with no funds). well that was either false or that feature wasn't working. at least the lady let me ride. so i bought a new card at the rail station. then on the CCT bus going home the driver told me that unless i call marta customer service to inform them i will be using my card on CCT, the card won't work on CCT: it works on CCT buses only when your trip originates with MARTA. it won't work on CCT if CCT is the first leg of your journey (which for me it was, coming from my office). i was completely unaware of this and then the subsequent transers messed up the card. the driver on the #37 bus almost ran over some chinese kids, the guy across from me was bitching about how loud another rider was talking - like, he was talking directly to me about how big of a moron this guy was - and well, it freakin' took forever. i was tired and cranky when i got home and wanted to kiss my car when i saw it.
yeah, gas prices are way too high, but i'll still pay up.
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