2. ashlee

3. robin

4. kelly

5. carri

6. michelle

some of these are pretty obvious, so i don't really consider myself all that smart for being able to identify the celebrity look-alike. other girls only show resemblances through specific facial expressions or when their faces are shown at certain angles. the only photos of the bachelorettes i could get were from the official website since the show hasn't been on for very long. you should watch the tv show so that you can see the look-alikeness for yourself.
i'm not familiar with any scholarly research published on the subject of human facial structure and recognition, but i'm pretty sure i've come across something that offered the idea that there is (are?) a finite number of combinations of facial features among humans. which means that we've all got at least one "twin" out there somewhere. oooooo. there's probably a ton of people who look like me running around; one of them happens to go to my dentist. i've never seen her, but one of the receptionists told me about her. i wonder if i'd even recognize her as looking like me though...hm.