slow day at work
its friday, my boss is not here, and i'm hungover. actually, more like still drunk from last night. there is a difference. it's amazing how much i'll drink when i don't have to pay for any of the booze. conversely, not having much money to blow has turned me into a lightweight. i get a buzz from like, half a miller light. but yeah one reason i am posting is because today is february 29th and i wanted the date stamp from blogger as proof of the awesomeness. so this concludes my post.
some thoughts as i decide whether or not i should take a nap before hockey
not worth it: the restaurant "six feet under" in midtown. i cannot speak for the original on memorial drive, for i have never eaten there. andy & i went to this joint for someone bday. i got this combination fried seafood basket for $13. the waiter brought it out and andy thought it was someone's appetizer. now, i know that as americans we are all used to oversize portions, but i seriously could have put away two of those things no problem, in addition to my small salad. also, they don't have red stripe beer, and you pretty much have to use their valet parking service (says "complimentary" but we all know what that means). the atmosphere of the place isn't bad, and apparently andy's entree was quite delicious, but i say save your money and hit up captain d's for the fried stuff.
loser: luke menard on american idol. not only does he seem kinda lame, but he's not even that good *and* he makes himself out to be pretty boring. each week the am. idol production team interviews the contestants and then airs a portion of each before the solos. this week the idols were supposed to share something about themselves that "america" might be surprised to know. to me, this means talk about stuff other than singing. one guy said "i drag race cars." another said he's a competitive tennis player, and one dude admitted to being addicted to crossword puzzles. so this luke guy elaborates on how he's in this all boy "a cappella" group. ok, we already know you like to sing. i wanted to hear stuff about an emu ranch or a sixth toe, i dunno, something unusual and well, non-lame.
pathetic: maybe you've heard of the "connecticut school of broadcasting" from their ads on q100 and the former 99x. i recently got a mailer from them. if this school had any credibility, it's lost most of it now, because the ad reads "CBS" rather than "CSB" in one place and mentions "perspective students." oops.
amusing: t mobile store on windy hill (in the complex with barkers red hots & nice cafe) is called "center of wireless." seems to me that store's owner is a native spanish-speaker.
loser: luke menard on american idol. not only does he seem kinda lame, but he's not even that good *and* he makes himself out to be pretty boring. each week the am. idol production team interviews the contestants and then airs a portion of each before the solos. this week the idols were supposed to share something about themselves that "america" might be surprised to know. to me, this means talk about stuff other than singing. one guy said "i drag race cars." another said he's a competitive tennis player, and one dude admitted to being addicted to crossword puzzles. so this luke guy elaborates on how he's in this all boy "a cappella" group. ok, we already know you like to sing. i wanted to hear stuff about an emu ranch or a sixth toe, i dunno, something unusual and well, non-lame.
pathetic: maybe you've heard of the "connecticut school of broadcasting" from their ads on q100 and the former 99x. i recently got a mailer from them. if this school had any credibility, it's lost most of it now, because the ad reads "CBS" rather than "CSB" in one place and mentions "perspective students." oops.
amusing: t mobile store on windy hill (in the complex with barkers red hots & nice cafe) is called "center of wireless." seems to me that store's owner is a native spanish-speaker.
blood issues revisited
i gave blood at the red cross yesterday so i have marks and bruises on my arms. yes, arms. that's because after i filled up and entire bag with blood, the flow wasn't good enough to fill the remaining tubes (they stuck me in a weird part of my arm, too...i was like "dude what are you doing...") so they got me in the other arm to get a fresh flow. yum. oh and apparently one bowl of oatmeal, cup of yogurt, trail mix, and granola bar isn't enough food before noon, because i almost blacked out when they started taking blood from my 2nd arm. the nurses or whatever were like "oh honey, i know we all like to watch our weight, but you should eat more!" anyway, my boss noticed my bruised arms and was like "what'd you do to yourself?!" i am not too happy with the experience but at least i'm saving lives.
also, i asked the ppl at the red cross if i could have some of my blood, like, the excess that remains in the tube. this makes sense if you've been reading my previous posts. they thought i was crazy. i guess that's a "no."
i meant to post the following stuff a few days ago but never got around to it. so here it is.
some things that have a high probability of sucking, but actually rule:
1. publix butter pecan frozen yogurt - i love ice cream but have been trying to avoid the stuff, so i took a gamble on this, hoping it would be a viable alternative. i thought i would be disappointed, mainly because it's frozen yogurt (rather than like, low-fat ice cream) and because i've been disappointed by the publix store brand in the past.
2. free car wash (with purchase of oil change) at "car spa" - i guess if it's free then you really can't go wrong, but even some free things aren't worth the extra time. anyway, i got my car washed on friday and it looked real sexy. and whatever is in the secret sauce in the wash tunnel repelled the rain from my car's hood & windshield very nicely.
also, i asked the ppl at the red cross if i could have some of my blood, like, the excess that remains in the tube. this makes sense if you've been reading my previous posts. they thought i was crazy. i guess that's a "no."
i meant to post the following stuff a few days ago but never got around to it. so here it is.
some things that have a high probability of sucking, but actually rule:
1. publix butter pecan frozen yogurt - i love ice cream but have been trying to avoid the stuff, so i took a gamble on this, hoping it would be a viable alternative. i thought i would be disappointed, mainly because it's frozen yogurt (rather than like, low-fat ice cream) and because i've been disappointed by the publix store brand in the past.
2. free car wash (with purchase of oil change) at "car spa" - i guess if it's free then you really can't go wrong, but even some free things aren't worth the extra time. anyway, i got my car washed on friday and it looked real sexy. and whatever is in the secret sauce in the wash tunnel repelled the rain from my car's hood & windshield very nicely.
be nice to your office admin
chad, cathy, andy, & i went to roasters on saturday night. the service was pretty slow. chad was reminded of the time he & cathy went there when the dish washers (people, not actual dishwashing machines) were on strike. in the same spirit, i am on strike here at the office. not really for the same reasons, but you get me. on a normal day i will periodically visit the kitchen and put the few dishes from the sink into the dishwasher. this morning however i had a lot of things going on so i didn't make it into the kitchen until about 10:30 or so.

now, i don't mind tidying up after people - it kinda comes with the job. and this isn't even that big of a deal, it's just a bunch of cups with stale coffee in them. the receptionist and i joke about this at least once a week. but seriously, how hard is it to, oh, i dunno, open the dishwasher, put your mug on the rack, and then close the thing? i guess the situation amuses me because no one has even bothered to empty the sink, and i think people are afraid to say anything to me. actually, i don't blame them, i'd be scared of me too.

now, i don't mind tidying up after people - it kinda comes with the job. and this isn't even that big of a deal, it's just a bunch of cups with stale coffee in them. the receptionist and i joke about this at least once a week. but seriously, how hard is it to, oh, i dunno, open the dishwasher, put your mug on the rack, and then close the thing? i guess the situation amuses me because no one has even bothered to empty the sink, and i think people are afraid to say anything to me. actually, i don't blame them, i'd be scared of me too.
cynical as usual
about a week ago i told andy not to get me anything for valentine's day, and he was like "you don't mean that, of course i'll get you something." i simply said i didn't want anything. and no, i wasn't being crafty and trying to pull any kind of reverse psychology on him. i truly don't give a shit. my [love] life is pretty good. that's right, my boyfriend is nice to me all the time! ok, perhaps it'd be nice to be surprised by flowers, but it wouldn't really mean a whole lot to me on valentines day b/c i think the whole gift-giving thing is pretty much out of obligation, especially if you're in a committed/long-term relationship. but i totally understand the predicament here. if i was a dude and had a girlfriend, i wouldn't want to be "that guy" who does NOTHING on valentine's day, even if you are just following advice on not getting a gift. on the very slight chance that andy does something for me this evening, i have nothing for him in return and i'll feel a little guilty. so...i have concocted quite a lose-lose scenario for myself. i'm not even going over to andy's place tonight because i've got a ton of laundry to do.
huge ripoff
you know what's a huge ripoff? custom printed m&m's.
here are two five-pound bags and one ten-pound bag. only the purple ones have stuff printed on them. wanna guess how much all of this cost? four hundred dollars. and if you're wondering, no, i did not buy these for myself ... although i have been known to purchase candy in bulk.

bloody monday
if you read my previous post you may be wondering if i ever acquired any blood. the answer is "not really." but i did end up with a particularly bloody liver. not sure what animal it came from.
my boss wanted the blood so he could recreate the effects of a certain medical procedure. he explained the procedure and what was supposed to happen and all that, but he used a lot of medical terms which rather confused me. apparently, a patient is supposed to drink blue powerade before surgery so that if there is leak, the doctors/staff can detect it, ie. they will see blue mixing with red/brown/color-of-bodily-fluids. i showed him two websites where one can purchase blood, but he insisted that i could get it on the streets. well, he didn't actually use those words. i asked my friend who works for cryolife, my room mate who works at piedmont hospital, and my hockey team mate who works with animals if they could some how get me some animal blood, and i came up empty-handed. and apparently nothing is "in season," according to my brother who is into hunting. my boss said he'd settle for a bloody steak or other piece of meat. i knew i could do better than a juicy cut of beef, so as a last resort i went to an international grocery store that emphasizes fresh halal meat (closer to our office than the kosher deli and the asian farmers markets). i've never been in a place like that, and i didn't really know what to expect. i was half-way imagining them slaughtering the animals in the back of the store. actually, i was hoping that was the way they did it, so that i'd get what i came for (i was armed with a plastic container, just in case). anyway, i explained to the shopkeeper that i was looking for animal blood for educational purposes. she seemed insulted that i thought that she would actually have blood to sell me, but fortunately she laughed about it too. i told her i'd just buy a bloody piece of meat, whatever she had. so she went to the back and returned with a bloody organ in a plastic, explaining that i shouldn't eat it. free of charge, because i think she just wanted me to leave.
my boss wanted the blood so he could recreate the effects of a certain medical procedure. he explained the procedure and what was supposed to happen and all that, but he used a lot of medical terms which rather confused me. apparently, a patient is supposed to drink blue powerade before surgery so that if there is leak, the doctors/staff can detect it, ie. they will see blue mixing with red/brown/color-of-bodily-fluids. i showed him two websites where one can purchase blood, but he insisted that i could get it on the streets. well, he didn't actually use those words. i asked my friend who works for cryolife, my room mate who works at piedmont hospital, and my hockey team mate who works with animals if they could some how get me some animal blood, and i came up empty-handed. and apparently nothing is "in season," according to my brother who is into hunting. my boss said he'd settle for a bloody steak or other piece of meat. i knew i could do better than a juicy cut of beef, so as a last resort i went to an international grocery store that emphasizes fresh halal meat (closer to our office than the kosher deli and the asian farmers markets). i've never been in a place like that, and i didn't really know what to expect. i was half-way imagining them slaughtering the animals in the back of the store. actually, i was hoping that was the way they did it, so that i'd get what i came for (i was armed with a plastic container, just in case). anyway, i explained to the shopkeeper that i was looking for animal blood for educational purposes. she seemed insulted that i thought that she would actually have blood to sell me, but fortunately she laughed about it too. i told her i'd just buy a bloody piece of meat, whatever she had. so she went to the back and returned with a bloody organ in a plastic, explaining that i shouldn't eat it. free of charge, because i think she just wanted me to leave.
i deserve respect and will eventually get it
hi there. here's what's goin' on:
andy & i went to steamboat springs, colorado. good times. you can check out the pictures here.
yesterday my boss asked me to get three things for him - 2 bottles of blue powerade, a box of food coloring, and blood. i wasn't sure if i had heard him correctly, but he said "blood" again, with somewhat of a smirk on his face. he suggested acquiring this at a butcher shop. i didn't ask. so today i shall ask the guy in the meat dept. at kroger if he has some blood for me. maybe i should ask my boss why he needs blood.
i have to move in one month because my room mate is getting married and her husband is moving in. she owns the place, so i'm getting the boot. fortunately i found a room to rent in the same complex, pretty much across the street.
and from my fortune cookie today at lunch: "you deserve respect and will eventually get it."
andy & i went to steamboat springs, colorado. good times. you can check out the pictures here.
yesterday my boss asked me to get three things for him - 2 bottles of blue powerade, a box of food coloring, and blood. i wasn't sure if i had heard him correctly, but he said "blood" again, with somewhat of a smirk on his face. he suggested acquiring this at a butcher shop. i didn't ask. so today i shall ask the guy in the meat dept. at kroger if he has some blood for me. maybe i should ask my boss why he needs blood.
i have to move in one month because my room mate is getting married and her husband is moving in. she owns the place, so i'm getting the boot. fortunately i found a room to rent in the same complex, pretty much across the street.
and from my fortune cookie today at lunch: "you deserve respect and will eventually get it."
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